Need some feedback getting discouraged

I started using the My Fitness Pal app and website in November. In November I did good up until Thanksgiving and Christmas. Since Christmas I have logged on as much as possible stuck to my calories and worked out as much as possible. I feel stuck right now and I've lost 7lbs (regardless to my ticker which is incorrect for some reason) I have been stuck at 7 lbs for about a week or more. Is there something I need to evaluate or change or am I just being too sensitive and need to keep on going the way I have been. I am impatient when it comes to losing wight sometimes. I am a picky eater when it comes to veggies and fruits but I have tried my best to incorporate them is there anything anybody can recommend me trying for pickyness? :)


  • cgirly
    cgirly Posts: 56 Member
    Can you make your food / exercise diary public?
  • katreecer
    katreecer Posts: 4 Member
    Are you doing a variety of workouts?
  • FayeBrassfield
    FayeBrassfield Posts: 3 Member
    Keep going. Don't be too hard on yourself, because I sort of let my dieting go during the holidays and just celebrate. A new year is an opportunity to set me goals for yourself. My husband and I are competiting; our goal is to lose 30 lbs each. Our reward will be a cruise. I wanted to look nice in my bathing suit. As far as being a picky eater when it come to your fruit and veggies, well he is too. But there are sooo many varieties these days out there. What I do is get recipes online (that look good to me) that contain a fruit our vegetable that I don't particularly care for and try it. Usually, I'm very pleased with the result. Keep up the good work. I love this myfitness pal, and actually look forward to inputting my information daily.:wink:
  • mallen404
    mallen404 Posts: 266 Member
    it's 80% diet.. so what are you eating?
  • SylentZee
    SylentZee Posts: 262
    Keep your diary open, at least to your friends, it helps to keep you accountable for what you consume. As for veggies and fruits, there are a ton of different ways to have your veggies, you may even find something you enjoy with a vegetable you disliked.

    Don't throw yourself into something you dislike, you'll overwhelm yourself and end up back where you started.
  • buddsct
    buddsct Posts: 11
    You will go thru these slow periods often keep watching what you eat, doing a wide variety of workouts and drink alot of water you will break thru!! hang in there!!
  • tammybowler
    If you are weighing daily, stop it!!!! Weigh your self once a week. Diary your food intake. Also try a chewable multivitamin. I use bariatric vitamins through I'm not a sells rep. I also work out 5 reps per exercise. About 15 minutes, then walk frequently. I also put my clothes basket farther away to walk back and forth further and more. I run up and down the stairs so I am getting cardio in. Try making regular house work an exercise too. Try filling up on protein, chew into a pureed consistency. Eat veggies and fruit as a snack, starting with veggies. Spice them up with sauces in low fat, or add low fat cream cheese, chuck cheese, and cut your sugar intake. This includes carbs. Your worst enemy is soda, especially diet. They are weight gainers. Try flavored water pkgs most are sugar free, juice, milk and push water. I know this a lot to learn and reason, but you can start little and work big! You can do this. Change your mind and it will change your view!!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    How many calories do you eat a day? What type of workouts do you do and how sure are you of the calories burned?
  • volumptuousone
    I have found the most important thing I do is being completely honest when I log my food and exercise. A taste here and a taste there really add up! And even though it is not fun, exercise at least 4 times a week. Drink at lease 1 gallon of water a day. Most important, do not give up!
  • mhk0719
    mhk0719 Posts: 255
    Are you eating enough? Try changing up your exercising. Are you strength training?
  • nickcavegirl
    nickcavegirl Posts: 5 Member
    Don't give in! Remember the reasons why you wanted to do this in the first place... The thing I am really focussing on is what I want from my future, and comparing that to how sad and uncomfortable I am about my body now. If it's for your health, your self esteem,,,whatever your reasons...stick with it! That way you'll never look back and wish you'd never stopped! x
  • tuckerce
    Hey, how's it going? My name is Chad and think your problem is a very common one... people reach plateau's all the time for many different reasons. The important thing to do is not to give up, tweak a few things and keep on going. If you don't mind me asking, how much weight are you wanting to lose? How many calories are you currently taking in each day? And what type of workouts are you doing?
  • tuckerce
    I try to keep my workouts ever changing...keeps in interesting. How about you?
  • tracy38w
    i try to workout at least 1 hour when i can at least 5 days a week. I usually start out with elliptical or treadmill but always do both each for 20-25 minutes and then do a strength machine. I switch it up arms legs abs.
  • tracy38w
    I currently weigh 166 (have not weighed in since last week, not to get discouraged) I eat 1200 calories and can try to make my food public but no promises bc i didn't know i could do that. lol
  • tracy38w
    ok i opened my diary and I am very nervous but open to feedback. I am not the healthiest eater bc I am picky and I had a cheat day on friday fyi. lol
  • Royalsbatwench
    Royalsbatwench Posts: 117 Member
    It's not open for me. What are you averaging on Net totals? And what do you mean "logging as much as I can"? I am anal about logging. I log everything down to my 5 calorie stick of gum. The little things add up. Plus if you aren't netting 1200 you may to boost your intake up with protein and fiber and decrease your carb intake. And how are you in relation to your cycle? Some women will hold water weight during that time. Just some suggestions, nothing is gospel though.
  • tracy38w
    ok I will open it to everybody HHmmm not sure my net totals( i would have to look), sometimes I put sugar in a tea in the a.m and don't log that, but i need to get better at that, but I also changed my calories so it is 1200 not 1500 like mfp wanted it to be. I would say i retain water with my cycle. (that is a posibility) I like the carbs down and protien/fiber up may help out too. I think I need to get some more veggie and fruit snack ideas too. (picky about those)
  • Royalsbatwench
    Royalsbatwench Posts: 117 Member
    I think before you make any big changes you need to really focus on logging. Little things add up. If you aren't able to be sure exactly what you're putting in then you don't know what you're working with. And definitely reconsider your calorie intake. MFP is pretty good at knowing what your body will need. And make sure you are staying hydrated. I drink around 80 ounces a day. It's good for you digestion, it's good for your skin, it helps keep you full, it flushes your kidneys. It has so many positives!
    Again, I'm not an expert but just things that I've known to be helpful!