



    I'm 2 days into week 2 already and my boyfriend and I are doing it together here at home. =) We're already seeing great results and he's currently on week 3.

    Yeah, some of the moves REALLY kill me - but I found little tweaks to make them effective, but a bit easier on myself. Like that friggin' DREYA ROLL! OR BANANA/SUPERMAN whatevers! Instead of rolling all the way over I just go from Superman into a Plank move. SO MUCH EASIER!

    Anyways, message me or friend me --- I <3 P90X !!!

    Awesome!!! You will have so much input for us since you've already started!!

  • DeanCorleone
    DeanCorleone Posts: 14 Member
    Good luck !!! I tried several attempts, and kept missing days, restarting the program etc, but it's really incredible, even with all the days I missed the strength and conditioning I bulit up were impressive (for me) there is something for everyone! You are gonna love it,
  • Good luck !!! I tried several attempts, and kept missing days, restarting the program etc, but it's really incredible, even with all the days I missed the strength and conditioning I bulit up were impressive (for me) there is something for everyone! You are gonna love it,

    Awesome!! I'm excited to try it out!!!! I did the Fit Test today and was surprised by my results already so I really can't wait to see what happens after 90 days!
  • Hi. Just started P90X last week and looking also for pals to share experiences.
  • GoTeamMeaghan
    GoTeamMeaghan Posts: 347 Member
    im in week 8 and plan on doing it again once i complete it. i absolutely love it! it may seem impssible at first, but just stick with t & keep track of your reps & you'll love the results!