After having 2 C Sections how can i get a flatter stomach?

Suzex Posts: 28 Member
Hey everyone, I have currently only lost 3lbs but before Christmas I had actually lost 17lbs, I could see the difference in my face when looking in the mirror and I don't particularly have fat arms or legs but my stomach is a real problem for me and has been for a long time.

I have had two children both delivered by c section and even after losing 17lbs there was no change to the weight around my stomach, i'm not expecting instant results but i would have thought that after losing over a stone I would have seen a little difference.

I am getting very disheartened as the area I need to see results in is just not happening, can anyone give me any advice as this is becoming very depressing for me



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  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523 Member
    Are you taking measurements as well as weighing in?

    As I can't see your diary, can you see what your sugar levels are like in your food diaries? Visually I sometimes don't see much difference but I can feel it in my clothes when I do lose weight.
  • I would take a serious look at what your intake is and make any adjustments before thinking about a workout regime.

    Making small changes are much easier to maintain, and you are much less likely to abandon it in disgust.

    First, make sure you ad more protein to each meal.

    At least 30 grams for breakfast.

    Then, cut out the foods that are contributing to your insulation layer. This means, bread, cereal, pasta, most fruits. Gone for 6 of 7 days.

    Ask me about my website and I'll send you the address. It deals with losing weight smartly and keeping it off as well as finding that toned figure that is hiding in all of us.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    i have had one c section, I do 250 sit ups a day, works for me.