Dreaming of doing a victory dance (and a short intro) ;)

Hey everyone!

Just started utilizing MFP and am really getting into it. Love the ease of use and the packful of information!

I am a 36 year old female who is a wife, mom and nurse. I am currently at my highest weight ever of 197 lbs. I am 5' 8" and am looking to lose at least 50 lbs, and most likely more once that goal is reached. I am currently switching up my exercise with alternatibg running and 30 day shred for 5x's per week. It's kicking my butt right now, but I am trying to keep motivated and stay positive, which is another huge struggle for me...I am a wanna see results NOW kinda gal. ;)

I will get there...and when I do, I'm gonna do the funkiest victory dance ever!


  • Dottydotdot
    I'm excited for you to do that victory dance!!

  • 3boysunder3
    3boysunder3 Posts: 35 Member
    I'll join in the dance when I get to my goal.

    If you want some support and motivation you can add me. Busy mum myself and trying to get back in shape =)

  • sweets7664
    Thanks ladies! :)