What workouts do you do?

Hey guys!
I really want to get in shape. After not being able to fit into my favorite dress anymore I'm super determined to lose this weight! But just eating the right amount of calories is not going to cut it, I need to exercise as well. What are some exercises that you do to help you get in shape?
Thanks lots and lots
Dahlia <3


  • knoder
    knoder Posts: 1
    Run on tredmill or if you don't like to run I do the stairmaster as well this burns calories!!! Boot Camps/zumba classes burn calories as well. I recommend classes because they keep you motivated and hold you accountable as well.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    I lifta tha weightzzzzzz!!
  • I agree that classes are good for keeping motivated and pushing yourself. I enjoy the dancing ones and aqua aerobic, and also do the higher calorie burning boxercise and cardio circuit training. If you do want to work out in the gym ask an instructor to design a program for you depending on what your goals are. Its good to mix things up and try different classes to stop you getting bored doing the same exercises. If you do not want to go to the gym walking or running can be good and I recommend skipping - very cheap to get a rope and it burns a lot of calories! Good luck and enjoy :happy:
  • courtneysmummy
    courtneysmummy Posts: 40 Member
    I registered at the gym but hated it. I'm going to start going to classes and see if I enjoy that

    At the moment I'm doing lots of walking and a dance fit dvd which is energetic.
  • addmorecloud
    addmorecloud Posts: 78 Member
    30 Day Shred, it's only 20 mins so easy to fit into the day. I've only done 11 days so far and have lost two inches from my waist. (I have about 20-25 pounds to lose, apple body shape). It's tough, but seeing other people's before and after pictures on here was really inspiring and motivated me to stick with it, I've usually given up after day 6 or so.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Run. All I can say..... RUN.

    Best cardio out there.
  • lifting weights and cardio on the Precor Total Crossramp
  • sozisfitnow
    sozisfitnow Posts: 209 Member
    Run. All I can say..... RUN.

    Best cardio out there.

    Yes there is nothing better than running if physically able!!!!!
    outside not on the treadmill though!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Strength: The big compound lifts and some accessory work, split over 4 days
    Conditioning: either intervals or barbell complexes or some bodyweight stuff like burpees, once or twice a week if i'm good.
    Mobility: about twice a week, prior to deadlifts and squats; more often if i'm good
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Run. All I can say..... RUN.

    Best cardio out there.

    Yes there is nothing better than running if physically able!!!!!
    outside not on the treadmill though!

    Never ran or walked on one in my life. It's the easy way out to do it that way. I run hard, OUTSIDE.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Lift heavy arsed weights.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I lifta tha weightzzzzzz!!

    Listen to her. Stuns the room in any dress she chooses. Has amazing before and after pictures. Lifts heavy. Eats food.
    Lift heavy arsed weights.

    Ditto for her.
  • thatjulesgirl
    thatjulesgirl Posts: 200 Member
    I lifta tha weightzzzzzz!!

    Listen to her. Stuns the room in any dress she chooses. Has amazing before and after pictures. Lifts heavy. Eats food.
    Lift heavy arsed weights.

    Ditto for her.

    Ditto ditto ditto. NROLFW is a good place to start. And EAT. :)
  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    For Cardio I routinely use a workout program known as "insanity". For weights I use a workout routine known as P90x. Also, if I have the time go to the gym once or twice a week to hit specific muscle groups (which coincide with my workout schedule).

    A little bit of anecdotal evidence, I'd say getting in shape happens approx 80% in the kitchen and 20% working out. MyFitnessPal is probably the quickest and easiest tool on the internet to keep your macros in check.
  • misselemental
    misselemental Posts: 28 Member
    For strength training I do P90X Legs & Back and Shoulders & Arms. For Cardio, I do the treadmill (HIIT training), P90X Plyometrics, UML/Core Synergistics, & Cardio Intervals. I also do an ab workout 3 times a week-P90X Ab Ripper X.
  • marshmallow8978
    marshmallow8978 Posts: 57 Member
    I have an elliptical, a jump rope, hand weights, a huge collection of dvds and a few pairs of sneakers. I get bored very easily so I like having options. I am not someone who could do 30ds for 30 days straight. Lifting weights has the most impact on my body though, if I just stick with cardio I don't really lose weight.
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    I'm a HUGE advocate of martial arts classes. Not only are you getting a great workout, but you'll learn how to defend yourself. Even if you're the sort who carries a gun, it's never a bad idea to learn how to break out of a grip or throw a punch without breaking your hand. :)
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 767 Member
    If u can run that's great. I cant run so I cycle. Spin classes are really good and I love to ride outside. Need some type of weight training. I love circuit training. Figure out what works for you. If you don't have a gym, there are some great videos . The Jillian Michaels DVD's are great. If u have a Wii, there are some great workouts for variety. I'm just getting back at this so it's going to be an adventure
  • THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!! I really appreciate it :D
  • Jess21684
    Jess21684 Posts: 202 Member
    there are soooo many ways to get a workout in and burn calories, you just have to experiment & try out different things and find out what you like and enjoy doing. Def stick to what you enjoy doing bc you are more likely to stick with it and do more of it! As far as myself, I love to Run!! I love doing a lot of interval HIIT running bc it is the most efficient and burning calories in a smaller amount of time & Helps you burn more calories at rest than if you do "steady" state cardio. Basically by interval, I just mix the speeds up maybe 1 or 2 min at a moderate jog and then 1 min at a sprint or super fast running to get my HR up & so fourth! elliptical, bike, stair master etc are all good cardio choices at the gym. It is also good to switch it up, I like to vary my workouts to beat boredom. I also enjoy circuit training! Jillian Michaels has awesome home dvds that are generally only 30min & they are circuit training work, getting cardio, strength & abs all in on one workout!!! Hiking in the spring & summer is a fun way to stay active outdoors. Also try fitness classes zumba etc.. there are a bunch of fun, upbeat fitness classes to keep it fun :) really anything that gets you moving and that you enjoy def counts as a workout!!
  • Insanity
    UFC Personal Trainer
    and when im not doing anything else, lift weights, and walk/jog.
  • prudism
    prudism Posts: 149 Member
    I have an elliptical trainer
    walking with leslie sansone
    sit ups
    flexi bar
  • mq68
    mq68 Posts: 118 Member
    I lifta tha weightzzzzzz!!

    what she said!
  • John2347
    John2347 Posts: 336 Member
    stronglifts 5x5 and crossfit
  • eyvindur
    eyvindur Posts: 19 Member
    As has been pointed out plenty of times, strength exercise is very important. I like functional fitness, because I like to keep everything balanced. Also, I hate going to the gym, so I do bodyweight exercises and other things I can do at home.

    When it comes to cardio, running is amazing, but you get more bang for your buck if you swim. Swimming is one of the best ways to burn a lot of calories in a fairly short amount of time. That said, I enjoy running a lot more, so I tend to do that more, except when my bad knee starts acting up. Swimming is low impact, so it's very easy on the body. I just find it gets a bit boring after a few laps.

    Keep it up. Progress is an amazing motivator.
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    You should try to find the workouts you like, what works for you... everyone is different.

    I for example use a combination of Tae-Bo, Pillates and aerobic workouts (in aerobic including also some of the workouts from the biggest loser series). I get bored easily so I like to mix-up more workouts. I also do workouts based on what time I got that day (some are 10 minutes, some are 60 minutes long).
    I'm not the kind of a person who will make a rigorous workout program, but I try to add up my workouts for 2 hours a week and 1 hour of that to be a more intense program.
    I'm not planning on gaining to much muscle or becoming somekind of athlete.
    I don't lift, but I try to use weights with the aerobic... I use 2 lbs weights. From my experience, workouts get me toned in the rest of my body as I want... but arms... arhhh... without lifting at least 1-2 lbs weights... they just get flabby.
  • Macbobbins
    Macbobbins Posts: 17 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. It combines the best of everything for rapid and visable results.
  • needlework
    needlework Posts: 141 Member
    bump for later