Any New Moms Out There?

Hi everyone!

I'm 38 weeks pregnant and positively itching to start losing weight again. Any other new moms (or anyone else) who would like to start a program around March 1st? That's when I'll be cleared to start working out again after I have my baby - I'd really love to have some support.


  • Due feb 15!
  • Yay, I'm due on the 9th! I can't wait to start hitting the gym hard - I've been staying active during pregnancy so my recovery time should be fairly short assuming all goes well in the delivery room. What are your weight loss goals?
  • I had my first baby in December! I was blown away that I gained so little weight during my pregnancy...I actually left the hospital weighing less than my prepregnancy weight. This is my motivation to LOSE the PREbaby weight (because I was overweight then). But, I do have a totally different body.

    So, good luck with your labor and delivery! I was in labor for 2 days! YIKES.
  • I actually found this website when I was about 37 weeks pregnant because, I was SO ready to lose weight. I had my daughter on the 20th of December and I lost all of the weight that I had gained during pregnacy (30 pounds) and than I posted my "start weight" when she was about a month old... I have lost 8 pounds since than and I am looking to lose 92 more. I was surprised that I lost all of the weight so quickly but, I am not happy whatsoever with what has happened to my body. I have never had "muffin tops" but, I definately do now, I never was unhappy about my waist but, that's non existant right now. I am looking to lose a ton of weight and a whole lot of inches....
    I would love to be friends.

    I do have some advice though (and you probably won't want to hear it if you are anything like me)- I would wait until your baby turns a month old... It is hard getting right into losing weight and I couldn't do it because, I was so incredibly busy! It was so hard for me to jump into tracking all of my food when I barely had time to go to the bathroom. It's hard to find time to do anything. Weight will fall off the first mnth anyway and it is up to you when you start, good luck!
  • I had my baby girl november far i've lost 37lbs.....i have 13 more to lose. The 37lbs fell off right away....and now im struggling to lose these last few pounds. In desperation, i joined my fitnesspal!
  • I had my first baby in December! I was blown away that I gained so little weight during my pregnancy...I actually left the hospital weighing less than my prepregnancy weight. This is my motivation to LOSE the PREbaby weight (because I was overweight then). But, I do have a totally different body.

    So, good luck with your labor and delivery! I was in labor for 2 days! YIKES.
  • I had my first baby in December! I was blown away that I gained so little weight during my pregnancy...I actually left the hospital weighing less than my prepregnancy weight. This is my motivation to LOSE the PREbaby weight (because I was overweight then). But, I do have a totally different body.

    So, good luck with your labor and delivery! I was in labor for 2 days! YIKES.

    Oh my I know the feeling, I was in labor for 58 hrs when I had my son - but my baby weight was much more stubborn lol I was still 10 lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight when I got pregnant this time so hopefully it comes off easier this time around lol.