Need some advice??

I have just joined a gym and i am unsure as to what weights i should start out on...(i cannot afford a personal trainer) i have never lifted before and dont want to look like a fool so any advice is welcome... :) with my weight loss has came some extra skin and it is not pretty i want it as gone as i can get it...


  • stv1520
    stv1520 Posts: 199 Member
    Depending on what you want to do (burn fat, get stronger etc.) there are a lot of good workouts you can find online. Try womens have a lot of information on different types of workouts. If you have a smartphone, there are a lot of apps that have workouts and will show you exactly how to use the weights in your gym.
  • whitneyberra1987
    whitneyberra1987 Posts: 172 Member
    Depending on what you want to do (burn fat, get stronger etc.) there are a lot of good workouts you can find online. Try womens have a lot of information on different types of workouts. If you have a smartphone, there are a lot of apps that have workouts and will show you exactly how to use the weights in your gym.
    I want to burn fat and get stronger but do not want to be ripped either...
  • tabfjo
    tabfjo Posts: 78 Member
    I just joined a gym too (Aspen Athletics in Liberty). They have a FREE one hour orientation with a trainer. These usually include BMI calculation, machine orientation, and a workout in line with your goals. I would see if your gym can offer you the same thing. Ask if they can show you how to use the machines but be up front that you can not afford a trainer and are not interested. If not, they will hound you to buy training packages!

    Also some apps I love are Sworkit,, and Women's Health Lite (All free). They are very helpful incorporating free weights.
  • goldengodd3ss
    goldengodd3ss Posts: 47 Member
    When I first started out, I used 2.5lb weights (the tiny ones!). But before you start doing those exercises, it's really important to have the correct stance/posture, and know when to breathe in and out so you don't injure yourself.

    I learned a lot about "the right way" for using weights by attending drop in classes, which are part of my gym membership. I can check out all the sites I want for ideas, but I learn best from actually doing it. Don't be afraid to ask gym staff questions!
  • ajnlee25
    ajnlee25 Posts: 56 Member
    1-3 sets of 8-12 reps on non-consecutive days, 2-3 times per week. Lift weight for 2 seconds and lower it for 4 seconds. When you are able to lift the weight 12 times in good form, increase the weight by about 5% at your next workout and shoot for 8 reps. Progress in repetitions from 8-12 and then increase the weight again by about 5%. Avoid momentum-it decreases benefits and increases injury potential. To maintain flexibility, seek your personal full range of motion without hypertension of joints. Work opposing muscle groups, and breathe. (Ymca-Lafayette, IN)
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    I can't say which machines you should use or not, but I can tell you that if you are looking to burn fat but not 'bulk up' you want to use a little less weight and do more reps. You also want to make sure to do full extension, as in go through the full motion, not little jerky small movements. This keeps your muscles long and lean.
  • whitneyberra1987
    whitneyberra1987 Posts: 172 Member
    thank you all!
  • mzjessicaxo
    mzjessicaxo Posts: 330 Member
    you want to start with a low weight, attempt 5lbs and see how that feels.
    if you can easily do 10 bicep curls and it feels like nothing go up to 7.5lbs and try again.
    You want to do more reps with a lower weight to tone your arms. Keep in mind that its a misconception that you'll get ripped from lifting heavier! (I bicep curl 25's)

    If you need any help feel free to add me and message me and i can help out
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Buy the book New Rules of Lifting for Women. There is a group here that does this program. It is amazing.