Advice- P90x or Insanity?

Hi, wanted to get opinions/advice. Not sure if I should do insanity or P90X. My average BF is 32%, I have about 20-25 lbs to lose to fit into the healthy BF range for my age and height, 26 yo, 5 feet, 145 lbs. After two kids I need to tighten my abs, reduce fat and tone up my thighs alot, along with my butt and hips kind of wide for my height.
Any advice please.


  • aross001
    aross001 Posts: 237
    I'd start with p90x and move up to insanity, unless you already are very active. However, I have done both but scale it back and take little breaks if it gets too intense. Maybe you can try that too.
  • areittinger
    areittinger Posts: 69 Member
    I do both. If you really want a cardio burn go with Insanity. Its deff. a fat burner!
  • SGT_Reg
    SGT_Reg Posts: 186 Member
    I've done both.
    It doesn't matter which you do.
    If you like weights, do P90X. If you don't, do Insanity.
  • kkinlen
    kkinlen Posts: 1 Member
    My understanding is p90x has more strength training than insanity. So pick your poison - they are both "insane" programs not for the feint of heart! DOOOOEEEET!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Are these the only two choices? Really? My take: Insanity is a helluva lot of fun but is only 60 days and isn't a long term solution (hard on knees). P90x is something you can do over a longer time period and can grow with a little bit.

    That said, there are so many other options out there to get fit. It's not just beachbody and Jillian dvds
  • RoseDarrett
    RoseDarrett Posts: 355 Member
    I did P90X after my second child.Got down to 120/110.It works,given you follow the nutrition guide and the workout schedule.P90x is more for building muscle and it also gives you definition.Got abs and over all toned body from P90x and I loved it.
    I did boxing for a while to keep fit,then I got pregnant with my third.
    She is now 4 months old.Both babies were c sections so I had to wait three months to get the all clear.I have lost 27 pounds from eating healthy,the last three months.I have been doing insanity for a month now.I am on my second month and IT IS intense.
    You have to see if it's for you.P90x and Insanity are totally different so in that sense you can't compare it.
    Insanity is all cardio,no equipment while p90x you need a pull up bar,weights a mat, resistance bands.With insanity you use your own body weight and it is high impact.You do tons of push ups,jumping and it can be really crazy.You don't get long breaks either like you do in p90x.
    Having done both(currently doing insanity)It really is up to you.
    Insanity leans you out as you're building muscle.Both are amazing programs and I swear by them.
    I hope that helps.Sorry I'm a bit all over the place here,my baby isn't well and I've only had 4 hours sleep.
    I love them both and after this round of insanity I will be doing p90x again.

    Good luck and keep up the good work!You can do it!!
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    Are these the only two choices? Really? My take: Insanity is a helluva lot of fun but is only 60 days and isn't a long term solution (hard on knees). P90x is something you can do over a longer time period and can grow with a little bit.

    That said, there are so many other options out there to get fit. It's not just beachbody and Jillian dvds

  • I asked my good friend Val Fujii (he's a professional personal trainer) that same question back in 2009. His answer? Neither. He suggested Turbulence Training (TT) instead. I've been doing TT ever since and I love it!
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    I just started TurboFire and love it. I considered both p90x and insanity, but decided to go with TurboFire. From what I understand from talking to people who do these programs p90x is good if you like weights while insanity focuses more on cardio. I chose TurboFire because it mixes dancing and kickboxing and focuses more on HIIT.

    I have to disagree with DavPul on this one. Yes, there are many options to get fit. BUT... no matter which of these programs you choose there is always room for growth. Do the programs again and again- you can always increase our intensity.
  • theresaland
    theresaland Posts: 2 Member
    I do both programs, and have been for the last 3 or so years. First I started with P90X. I didn't really lose a lot of weight with P90x, but the pace of this program was better for me in the beginning since I really didn't work out before. I will say that I did NOT gain weight, even though I simultaneously quit smoking and started eating more as my body adjusted to the increased work I was putting it through. This program helped strengthen me for Insanity. Insanity is what really helped me slim down/drop pounds. I still alternate and do doubles using both programs, but I do recommend starting with P90x just to get your body conditioned. When using P90X, all the weights I use are under 25 pounds. I did not bulk up, my muscles were more toned and defined, and all my clothes fit better. Both programs are very different. Insanity is more fun for me because I really do enjoy the fast pace, but I know my body needs weight training of some sort also. I started the program around 120 pounds (I'm 5'0") and although losing pounds isn't really my goal, I did get down to 105-110ish.

    Insanity can be hard on the knees, it is intense. At this point I may just be used to it, because I do it all the time and it does not bother me anymore. It is not really a program you can just jump into if you are currently at a sedentary level, which is why I suggest trying the P90x route first. If you decide on Insanity, buy a heart rate monitor. A good one with a chest strap. You will need it.