advice, please. cut or bulk?

hey guys, I've been cutting in effort to show a six pack. I also have that annoying belly and nipple fat, so I have been very determined to lose weight. However, I can see how one could argue that I should try to put on more muscle and then cut. Cut and then bulk or bulk than cut? I'm 5'6" 160.8 lbs. I just want to be lean. Not too big or def not too skinny.





  • AyySixPack
    AyySixPack Posts: 144 Member



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    It's your personal preference and very goal dependent so it's your decision, not ours.

    But i would bulk. Unless it's shirt off/beach season, I'm bulking
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    Removed because OP figured it out. And I probably don't belong in here anyway.
  • aelunyu
    aelunyu Posts: 486 Member
    I recommend the cut option, though it's all preference. Most of these "cut or bulk" questions come at a strange time. It's when the dieting gets sort of hard that people will ask "should I cut or bulk". Let's look at it like've worked so hard to get to where you are. the abs are just barely showing on the top row, and you're going to stop? Let's see what you're made of. get to sub 10%, then ask yourself could you do it all over again? As in, gain weight and muscle, and fat, then get back down to under 10%, with every layer you put on and shed, your physique will begin to really come out. This is something that is done over years and years. The mini-cycles of cut and bulk, and the decision to go either way should only come when you're satisfied with a certain 'cut' period...or a certain bulk period.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    Ok I'll try to help as best as I can. I've been exactly where you are.

    I don't think you need to worry much about losing. Right now it seems like you want some muscle definition. Nothing crazy, but you want some visible results and not just being thin.

    Not sure what you're workout routine is now, but you should focus on lifting.

    Do compound lifts, find a program you like. Are you primarily doing cardio? You don't have to cut it out but maybe don't make it a focus.

    Muscles are built, and for that they need fuel. So you'll want to make sure you're eating enough. Eat big, lift big is a good mantra. You can bulk slow and steady if you'd like. See what works for you.

    More info about your workout routine and calorie goals would help.
  • More info about your workout routine and calorie goals would help.

    Appreciate it, man.

    I'm on a 4 day split. I do compound exercises exclusively. I am actually doing Insanity right now for cardio. Maybe a little obsessive, but I have a lot of time right now. Thoughts?
  • chimp517
    chimp517 Posts: 185 Member
    Id bulk, it is winter haha. I know very little about insanity but assume it burns a significant amount of calories so on those days eat more to account for that.
  • I recommend the cut option, though it's all preference. Most of these "cut or bulk" questions come at a strange time. It's when the dieting gets sort of hard that people will ask "should I cut or bulk". Let's look at it like've worked so hard to get to where you are. the abs are just barely showing on the top row, and you're going to stop? Let's see what you're made of. get to sub 10%, then ask yourself could you do it all over again? As in, gain weight and muscle, and fat, then get back down to under 10%, with every layer you put on and shed, your physique will begin to really come out. This is something that is done over years and years. The mini-cycles of cut and bulk, and the decision to go either way should only come when you're satisfied with a certain 'cut' period...or a certain bulk period.

    Thanks, bro.
    Is 10% a good marker or something? Is that when abs are suppose to be visible? I've just seen that used a lot.
  • chimp517
    chimp517 Posts: 185 Member
    if you have not built abs you will have to get your bf% down very low
  • Id bulk, it is winter haha. I know very little about insanity but assume it burns a significant amount of calories so on those days eat more to account for that.

    I like to eat a lot, and since Insanity burns a lot of calories, it makes it easier to maintain a caloric deficit. I would probably drop Insanity if and when I decide to bulk. Appreciate your time, bro.
  • if you have not built abs you will have to get your bf% down very low

    I see your point, but what constitutes building abs? I feel like compound exercises and Insanity require a lot of core strength. Is it wrong to assume I've built my abs based on that?
  • chimp517
    chimp517 Posts: 185 Member
    If you are in a caloric deficit you are not going to build muscle.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    More info about your workout routine and calorie goals would help.

    Appreciate it, man.

    I'm on a 4 day split. I do compound exercises exclusively. I am actually doing Insanity right now for cardio. Maybe a little obsessive, but I have a lot of time right now. Thoughts?

    I think you're doing everything right. MAAAAYYYBE too much cardio with the Insanity, but don't take that to heart.

    How much you eating roughly? Do you think loose skin could be playing a problem? I know it did for me.
  • aelunyu
    aelunyu Posts: 486 Member
    This is correct...i almost....almost never do abs. The squat and deadlift will take care of all that. Getting them to show is just how well they are formed genetically, and if you've got a solid core.

    10% was my mention because, personally, if i get to 10, my musculature is very pronounced. Someone skinnier at 10 may just look skinny. So maybe there's bias there. My point was, if you can get to 10%, that's beach ready and you'll like the way you look. beyond that and you're treading into contest shape, and possibility of increased muscle loss, so lets avoid it unless you plan on getting up on stage!

    Also I think at around 10% the body favors muscle gain over fat gain, at least for a small while. So the bulk should? be more effective. That last part is 100% bro science, but it works for me quite well.
  • If you are in a caloric deficit you are not going to build muscle.

    Right. I am currently eating to lose 1 lb/wek
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    cut all the way down........then bulk up the right way..........bulking now will just add more fat to the fat you want to lose
  • [/quote]

    I think you're doing everything right. MAAAAYYYBE too much cardio with the Insanity, but don't take that to heart.

    How much you eating roughly? Do you think loose skin could be playing a problem? I know it did for me.

    I feel like loose skin is only a problem if you are losing a lot of weight. I've only lost 8 lbs, and I didn't think i looked to heavy at that weight. Thoughts?
  • chimp517
    chimp517 Posts: 185 Member
    Also I think at around 10% the body favors muscle gain over fat gain, at least for a small while. So the bulk should? be more effective. That last part is 100% bro science, but it works for me quite well.

    I agree with that completely.
  • Also I think at around 10% the body favors muscle gain over fat gain, at least for a small while. So the bulk should? be more effective. That last part is 100% bro science, but it works for me quite well.

    I agree with that completely.

    Hah bro science. I like that. I really appreciate everyone's attention and insights.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    If you are in a caloric deficit you are not going to build muscle.

    Right. I am currently eating to lose 1 lb/wek

    Ok. Maybe give this a shot.

    Up your cals to maintenance level. Start training your brain to focus less on calories and more on protein. Get at the very least 1 gram of protein for every pound you'd like to weigh.

    Hit the gym and lift them weights. Decrease your reps and add more weight possibly.

    There's no rush, so play around until you find what works for you.
  • Interesting. I feel like that is also a more effective way to potentially know your true BMR
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    I think it depends if you are happy with your body the way it looks now or not. If you are comfortable then it might be a good idea to eat a little over maintenance and aim to put some muscle on.

    If you're not quite comfortable in your skin there would be nothing wrong with continuing to cut. I'd say you are sitting at around 15-16% here, not that I'm the best judge of bf%, but you could drop a few more pounds to get in the 10-12% range.

    It is mostly down to your personal preference at this point.
  • I think it depends if you are happy with your body the way it looks now or not. If you are comfortable then it might be a good idea to eat a little over maintenance and aim to put some muscle on.

    If you're not quite comfortable in your skin there would be nothing wrong with continuing to cut. I'd say you are sitting at around 15-16% here, not that I'm the best judge of bf%, but you could drop a few more pounds to get in the 10-12% range.

    It is mostly down to your personal preference at this point.

    I feel that. Thanks!
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    Also I think at around 10% the body favors muscle gain over fat gain, at least for a small while. So the bulk should? be more effective. That last part is 100% bro science, but it works for me quite well.

    I agree with that completely.

    I can attest to that. When I was very lean and started to bulk it felt like I couldn't gain no matter how hard I tried.

    So I continued piling on the food and now the only way I have any abs to show is if you give me a marker so I can draw them on.

    It all depends on what you're looking for. A body that can enter competitions, a body that can physically compete in races, a body that looks good to women... we all have our own goals. Just know that you're doing well and so long as you keep at it you'll get there.
  • Also I think at around 10% the body favors muscle gain over fat gain, at least for a small while. So the bulk should? be more effective. That last part is 100% bro science, but it works for me quite well.

    I agree with that completely.

    I can attest to that. When I was very lean and started to bulk it felt like I couldn't gain no matter how hard I tried.

    So I continued piling on the food and now the only way I have any abs to show is if you give me a marker so I can draw them on.

    It all depends on what you're looking for. A body that can enter competitions, a body that can physically compete in races, a body that looks good to women... we all have our own goals. Just know that you're doing well and so long as you keep at it you'll get there.

    Thanks, man! I just to look good to women *headshake*
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    Thanks, man! I just to look good to women *headshake*

    Had a sneaking suspicion...

    Sadly that's one thing the weight room can only go so far in helping. You'll also want to read some good books. Know how to listen. Be funny. Make a good living. Be an excellent kisser. Look like you'll be a good father someday. Dress well.

    Seriously the abs are the easy part.