Hi I am new to fitnesspal. I joined a group of about 4 work friends on here. I am ths only one with young children still. I am also breastfeeding my youngest who is 7 months. I find it hard to come up with the time to eat healthy an exercise with 3 little ones. Looking for some easy tips for weight loss. I am a co-sleeping breasrfeeding very hands on mother to my children an would like to stay as close to organic as possible.


  • reginadennis
    reginadennis Posts: 1 Member
    hi! I am very new to this fitness pal arena...but i see we have a lot in common....
    I too am a new mom, still breastfeeding. We coSleep and i try to wear my LO as much as possible.
    I have spent what feels like excessive amounts of time trying to problem solve how to get it all done. And all I have found to make myself get up and get it done is.....i want this for my children. i want them to value the tool that is their body, and to take good care of it. A lesson that i cannot expect them to learn, without myself setting the example and painting the picture.
    So go for that walk, with baby in tow. Have the older ones peddle or walk too. Go for a bike ride to a nearbgy destination that youd go to anyways (we are working towards biking to my sons school instead of driving two times a day)
    Whatever it is that you decide to do, include the kids and teach them while keeping them active and occupied. Then its not swqueezing it into the non existant time away from them, but another activity With them.
  • jennaryan1205
    jennaryan1205 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi! I'm a mommy of 4. They are 9,5,4, and almost 2. I work full time as well so it's definitely hard to fit in exercise. I agree with involving the kids as much as possible. Just playing with them burns tons of calories. We walk and bicycle. My boys love to go to the track with me. Do what you can, when you can and don't beat yourself up if you don't fit it in sometimes. It happens. I invested in some good videos too. Sometimes I manage to squeeze in 30 minutes of that. Good luck to you! Feel free to add me!
  • EstiloPanama
    I guess it's one of those things where you either find time and make it work, or you don't and let the opportunity go by.

    Eating can be simple. Buy healthy foods, keep your fridge and cabinets stocked with healthy foods according to your lifestyle. As far as working out? Get a double stroller, and maybe a sling or carrier for the baby, get a heart rate monitor in the form of a watch, start the timer and walk for an hour or so. The kids will enjoy it.

    In the end of the day, only you can make time or make excuses. Anyway, good luck.
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    I'm out of that stage .. I have an 18 yr old son now..

    Like the person after you posted .. work it in with your kids in tow/together. Kids actually think it's a form of play .. you can youtube some yoga or floor exercises that you all could do together.

    You could have your kids sit on your feet and count off 10 sit ups for you as you do them .. ;-) Stretches, jumping jacks .. find a way to tie a jump rope to a pole and everyone (except baby of course) take turns jumping rope with you ..

    Walking/jogging with kids on bikes or in strollers will be an excellent workout for you .. even if for only 20-30 minutes. Got a dog? walk him together. Use their play time as your exercise time and play together..

    Badminton. cartwheelings.. somersaults.. jumping around .. all fun stuff kids like to do and do with you! Anything you think of outdoors pretty much equals some type of exercise.
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    I was in your shoes not too long ago (my youngest is 3 now). It took a good 2 years to lose the weight after she came along. I took advantage of the YMCA daycare, had my oldest ride her bike while I slung the baby and pushed the middle one in the stroller. I'd find small playgrounds with a little walking trail around them and walk/run with the baby in the stroller while the other two played. We'd go to a park with a soccer field and just run races sometimes while the baby sat on a blanket. It was tough, but I kept reminding myself that it was just a season of my life, that I'd get back into shape and that my body was holding on to what it needed for the baby. Let the older kids help you prepare healthy foods(they can cut up bananas for a fruit salad or wash grapes).

    My biggest thing was to tell myself it was okay to throw their leftover food away instead of eating it. I never even wanted it, but had a lot of guilt in wasting it. But really, is it worth it to save the crust of a PB & J? Gross.

    Do the older ones still nap? Not saying you should take all of that time to exercise, but there are lots of short videos online that can be competed in 10-15 min. Think in small spurts. do some squats while you brush your teeth, do some lifts with the baby, give the older girls an airplane ride on your feet, do some kid friendly yoga videos. Anything is better than nothing.

    And be kind to yourself. Being a mom is tough. Your girls love you no matter what and that is the best feeling!