Food & Fitness Advice Please..

Hello all,

I pray everyone is doing well. I've been a member of MFP for some years now, however I've never really used the site until now. I initially got pretty discouraged. I was diagnosed with Grave's Disease and I had a complete thyroidectomy in 2008. A few months ago I was diagnosed with PCOS, so it has been pretty impossible for me to lose weight. I made a promise to myself as of 1/2 that I would do ALL in my power to lead a healthier lifestyle. I've cut out fried foods and junk food. I eat more fruits and veggies and only drink water. I must say I do feel somewhat better since I've started and I've managed to lose 9 pounds.

I was wondering if any of you new of any groups or suggestions that may potentially help me in my journey. I would love to hear some things that may have worked for you.

All comments are welcome,

Thanks in advance <3



  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I have been diagnosed with PCOS and am losing weight. I am using the TDEE/BMR method and seems to be working for me. Don't let PCOS scare you into thinking it can't be done. Most of the time when you lose the weight the PCOS gets better. I have talked with some women who had the effects of it pretty much disappear when they lost weight.

    I would look around and see what works for you. If the TDEE/BMR works use that, if doing it the way MFP does it works then use that.

    The one advice I would give you as don't call this a diet. Call it a life-style change. Diets are fads, and usually end up with people gaining the weight back. If you focus on it as a life-style change (changing eatting habits, excercise habits, etc..) you are more likely to succeed.

    Good luck in your journey.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    welcome back!! you CAN do this!! get it gurlie!! only suggestion is find good food websites. check out emily bites and skinnytaste
  • Mizzpeace
    Mizzpeace Posts: 12 Member
    Hello Rduhlir,

    Thank you for responding. What is the TDEE/BMR method? I've learned not to refer to my lifestyle change as a diet :wink: . I plan to eat this way for the rest of my life. I don't deprive myself. If I want it, I'll eat it.. within limits though.

    Wishing you much success also !
  • Mizzpeace
    Mizzpeace Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you Thena! I will check them out. I appreciate it :smile:
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    I'm starting to sound like a broken record here, but I'll say it again anyway! Zumba baby!!! I love it, and hopefully you will too!!! I've lost lots of weight, 60 lb's, and now I'm an instructor. I just love what I do, it's so much fun! Go to for more info! Everyone and anyone can do it! From little kids, to grandma! Give it a try a few times, so you can learn the routines. Also if you don't like one instructor, doesn't mean you won't like zumba. Every instructor is different, and there are tons of them!!! Good luck to you!!! And Thena81, thanks for the websites! I've been looking for some new healthy foods to mix it up! I'll definately give them a try!!! :tongue:
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    :happy: OMG! Just looked at the skinnytaste website! Can't wait to try the spicy buffalo cauliflower bites!!! They look so yummy, n I love cauliflower! THe cheesy spaghetti squash looks yummy too!!! Thank you!!!