what should I expect in doing maintenance ?

hi guys, I want to start going into maintenance, what should I expect?
I heard u can put on weight in the first month but its just water weight? does this happen, as I did try maintenance a few months ago put on a kilo, got scared then lowered my calories again, so I'm thinking I should have waited.
So if I go into maintenance, will I get water weight?
And will it drop back to normal?
There's not much info here on maintenance can someone give me advice please?


  • Hi Angel a kilo after Xmas is nothing hon!! I'm loving maintenance as I just eat about 100-200 cals more most days ! If I have a big weekend I eat a little less at the beginning of the week and increase my walk time ! I play a balance game! I don't stress much if I gain a little over the weekend or if im away cos i know I'm in control ! I've been doing this for a few weeks and it's working well! Don't stress about that kilo just keep up the exercise and maintenance should be easier to manage!
  • angel101netta
    angel101netta Posts: 152 Member
    thanks Hun. I'm a tad worried I don't want to lose any more, but I don't want to put on any more either.
    So should I adjust my settings to maintenance or just up 100 calories once a week?
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    My plan for maintenance is to put my calories on maintenance and if i gain reset back to half a pound loss. (Based on sunday morning weight. I have a vacation in mexico planned in a month so i am on the half pound loss a week as we will eat out every meal for 8 days.

    This is my first full year on maintenance so i am sure over the course of this year i will try several different lifestyle changes...but i plan to log,log,log
  • Angel as pk said just adjust your goal according to the weekend weight ! I would not keep increasing each week I'd just add about 100-200 more but adjust if I had a holiday or a big weekend of eating ! Try not to stress! If your happy at this weight the trick is to eat as you are now but modify it as needed ! The week I had away I lowered my cals the week before and the week after just slightly And exercised ! There are apps that help you work out how much to eat if your still unsure