
why does my fitness pal only kick in for 1 week, i am very good all week and then the 2nd week i stop noting food intake


  • Rockytop_relic
    Rockytop_relic Posts: 208 Member
    only my 2nd day, hope I can keep it going .
  • dovetail22uk
    dovetail22uk Posts: 339 Member
    Get some friends on here! We're all on here to get healthier and fitter and we all want each other to succeed! It's really helping me to keep motivated by reading other people's success stories and problems (and how they've overcome them!) on the message boards and i've got the app on my phone to log food throughout the day!

    Just take it one day at a time!

    Feel free to add me if you want!
  • thanku for support girls:smooched:
  • thedescentofhope
    thedescentofhope Posts: 118 Member
    I would agree friends are really important on here. I always make an effort when someone has completed their food diary to say 'good job' etc! Means a lot to me so sure it's the same for others! We're here to support you!
  • beeblebrox82
    beeblebrox82 Posts: 578 Member
    yeah! First things first: Friend up! Make sure that you aren't undereating, and get some exercise, will wake you up and give you some more calories to play with. Getting fit doesn't have to suck!!
  • themommaof3
    themommaof3 Posts: 7 Member
    yep, this is week three for me and I start out so motivated :(
    But, I heard the saying "If you are tired of starting over, don't quit"
    So, good luck with sticking to it, you can do it!
  • JackieAC1951
    JackieAC1951 Posts: 94 Member
    why does my fitness pal only kick in for 1 week, i am very good all week and then the 2nd week i stop noting food intake
  • JackieAC1951
    JackieAC1951 Posts: 94 Member
    Don't I know it! I had the same problem after I joined in 2011. It seemed that my momentum was not there after the 1st or 2nd weeks of logging. I would make half-hearted attempts to participate in this forum.
    This time I want it bad as my husband is now on board with me (he wasn't before), and that gives me the will power to continue logging foods each and every day. Support by others is important in keeping that momentum. Keep your chin up, you've got lots of company!
  • cuddlescreampuff
    cuddlescreampuff Posts: 42 Member
    The thing is my fitness pal is ALWAYS here for you. It doesn't kick in...we do. I had to learn that lesson the hard way. Dieting and weight loss (for me) is a mind game. I had to psych myself out, and tell myself that this is the best thing ever...and it is. I have been on this site for a long time and lost 23 pounds. I was maintaining really well and then just stopped logging my diary. Guess what? I gained 8 pounds in a few months and got so mad. What happened?? Duh on me...I stopped MFP. I just came back on, because I'm tired of seeing the scale go in the opposite direction. I'm looking for friends to help me stay motivated. Please add me if you like. I would love to help. PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP!! You're worth it! Give your body time to adjust (it will). Be kind to yourself! I can't wait to see your metamorphosis!! Go get em!