Why am I experiencing no weight loss at all?

I'm frustrated. Still no weight loss... gained another half a pound.
I haven't weighed myself in about a week so maybe I could be "surprised" by some weight loss after the past week and a half. I was waiting because I've been working out harder and knew that I might experience some weight gain due to muscle repair/water retention.
So I step back on the scale and I've gained another half of a pound.
I stay below my calorie goal with no loss. Now I'm eating back at least some of my exercise calories, based on advice here, but seeing no results. And I'm not feeling any change in how my clothes are fitting me, so there's that.
I thought it was simple: eat less, move more, lose weight.
Not working here.
With 30 pounds to lose, you'd think I'd see SOME downward movement on the scale.
I know I'm the kind of person that needs to see some weight loss (reward for my hard work) in order to stay motivated.
I went to see my GP last year for a physical and I have no thyroid issues, so I don't think that's it.
I just want to cry.


  • jenndymond
    jenndymond Posts: 117 Member
    Patience is a virtue.

    Make sure to take pictures and measurments. It took me 7months to loose 7lbs. In that time I lost 17in. Make sure to measure.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Good morning. You are experiencing the most common frustration on this site.

    Unfortunately, it is a little more complex than eat less / move more. [1] However! It's not so complex that you can't do it. Based on a glance at your food diary, I think you might be under-feeding yourself. Please see In Place of a Road Map 2.0 [2] for the clearest and best summary of how to get your caloric intake and exercise calibrated right.

    Weight loss cannot be rushed by going way high on exercise and way low on calories - - you'll experience the best results at a moderate intake with moderate exercise. Becoming fit, losing weight, these things actually feel GOOD if you're doing them right.

    [1] http://nbsfit.com/nutrition/weight-loss-isnt-always-about-eating-less-and-exercising-more/

    [2] http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12
  • FitGoal165
    Hi. You might want to look at your sodium intake too, which can contribute to weight loss not happening as it should. Even low sodium bacon has a good amount of sodium in it. Also, pizza and processed meats will have tons of sodium. Assuming that you are doing everything else right, this might be a factor. Good luck!
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Hi. You might want to look at your sodium intake too, which can contribute to weight loss not happening as it should. Even low sodium bacon has a good amount of sodium in it. Also, pizza and processed meats will have tons of sodium. Assuming that you are doing everything else right, this might be a factor. Good luck!

  • bpmartyr
    bpmartyr Posts: 141
    Sodium will not stop or slow fat loss. May cause additional water retention that masks it temporarily is all.
  • mayamagallanes
    mayamagallanes Posts: 85 Member
    Don't feel frustrated!!! I gained 10lbs in a week when I had been eating very healthy and working out five days a week and I KNOW I didnt eat that much. Actually I feel smaller!!! I didnt know what to do I just about quit! Try measuring yourself?? I'm going to start.
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    Your not eating enough I look at your diet I dont no how much you are working out but thats not log either, hard to say when your diary is not complete. You are going to have to focus on more than just the scale moving or you are going to give up early. focus on eating better and working out at least 5 days a week for least 30 min or more and work on that and the weight will come off. focus on inches not the scale sometimes it takes two weeks to a month before the scale will move . You can do this dont give up .
  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    I understand it must be hideously frustrating but don't lose hope. It does get harder past 40 years old, which is a given. BUT I know considering you work out, eat within your calorie range, it must be just mind numbingly irritating not to see the movement.

    Firstly, I would say go on measurements. Like some people on here, especially since I work out a lot, the movement on the scales are low and sometimes don't move but guess what? - I lose inches and my body shape does change.

    Secondly, I would say try different foods, less processed and test out how your body reacts. For instance, I do love pasta and bread and occasionally eat it when I want it, but when I have a week where I eat lots of it, I may not put on weight but my stomach bloats and I feel uncomfortable and I find it harder to shift. This is the same with high sodium foods for me.

    Worth trying and eating cleaner. When I do, I do have more regular movement on the inches and scales x
  • Sweetface421
    Sweetface421 Posts: 40 Member
    I am working out four to five days a week: I take three or four 60-minute cardio-based classes such as Zumba, hip hop or step aerobics, and I take one 60-minute strength training/sculpting class (which has some cardio but not enough to bring my heart rate up to cardio class levels).
  • Sweetface421
    Sweetface421 Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks everyone.
    elsinora, when I started tracking back in December, I lost five pounds in my first week, just eating differently - no exercise.
    Since then, I've gained back 1.5 pounds of that and am going nowhere.
    I'll give measuring a try but I'm skeptical. My clothes aren't fitting me any differently.

    I will say that I'm constipated more often now than before. I have a movement maybe every three to four days. But I'm keeping my water intake up and eating much more in the way of veggies & fruits. I don't eat dairy (no cheese or milk). Should I take something to keep myself regular?
  • BiohazrD
    I am working out four to five days a week: I take three or four 60-minute cardio-based classes such as Zumba, hip hop or step aerobics, and I take one 60-minute strength training/sculpting class (which has some cardio but not enough to bring my heart rate up to cardio class levels).

    Zumba and stuff like that is pretty much worthless, in my experience. Go jobbing, start running, you're not going to change your body by jumping around for a few minutes a day dancing.
  • Momiofour
    Momiofour Posts: 155 Member
    You can try taking Align. I've found it to help
    Me with bloating and other issues.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Keep moving foward and move towards being healthy and fit. The great thing about being fit is you have a lifetime to do it and each day is a new day to do better and try something niew. I know it can be frustrating but you only have one option and that is to move foward. You could feel bad that you didnt lose some superfluous weight dependent on about a million factors or you could be so happy that you are strong enough to work out 4-5 days a week and every day you move foward and your body gets stronger!
  • GomesDavid
    Try eating smaller portions if it helps. Before you eat, try to drink a lot of water. Even if you feel full after eating and drinking the water, remember , it's the water that is filling you up mostly. Work out if you can at certain times of the day (usually when you have time) try strength training! Jump Roping helps too! Especially running or a jog. Maybe even a walk. Exercise at least 2 or 3 times a day for 30 minutes if you can. I suggest Jumping jacks too. I hope this helped. It surely helped me. :)
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I take a daily probiotic and it seems to help with constipation. I am on the very heavy side which makes it easier to lose and I have not seen a lot of movement this month either. It has been a struggle to get back in the swim of things. While I know it is frustrating not to see progress on the scale, giving up is not an option. You will see no change if you give up ever. Hang in there, this will pass.
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    You are still not eating enough vegetables. And you need to log the exercise. If you don't log the exercise you won't be able to see how much to eat back. Monday was better cos of logging the zumba

    I, like the others, think you are not eating enough, and maybe eating too much salt.

    Really try to eat 5 serves of vegetable a day, and don't count potato crisps.

    Your weight loss will not be linear, you will get lulls and spurts. this is normal
  • midgetracer
    midgetracer Posts: 4 Member
    Try eliminating as many carbs as possible in the first part of the day. If you take in more than 20g of carbs before lunch time, your insulin levels will be too high for your body to release fat cells and effectively burn any body fat. All of the carbs and fat you take in throughout the rest of the day will be burned or stored as fat, and if you don't take in enough (which you don't seem to be based on your diary) you will actually burn muscle tissue instead of fat. Low-carb diets can be hard to adjust to, and not easy to sustain with a hectic drive-thru lifestyle, but they really do work, and not just in the "fad" quick weight loss way. Check out "Why We Get Fat" by Gary Taubes, and see if you can put it to good use!

    Also, here is a quick article that covers a little bit about what is frustrating you... It's not just how much you eat, but also WHAT you eat.

  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    You are not eating enough that is why your body doesn't want to let go of the fat because it is being starved. People think the less I eat the more I'll lose, and yes, if you starve for long enough you will but for most people this is not sustainable and they will get fed up start eating badly again and put on even more weight. To get out of this cycle you have to eat all your recommended calories. With exercise calories it depends what you want to do, some people eat them back, some don't. I eat them back if I'm hungry and I don't if I'm not. I used to eat 1200 cals and when I stopped losing I upped to 1400 and started losing again (and I am only 5' 2"). I noticed on Tuesday that you had eaten just over 200 cals, I really hope that you just hadn't logged everything for that day as I would have that just for breakfast.

    With the constipation again it is because you are not eating enough therefore not getting enough fibre. Up your fibre and drink as much water as you can manage and that shoud solve that.

    Probably just sounded like a total nag there lol but just trying to help :smile:
  • susies1955
    susies1955 Posts: 14 Member
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I am working out four to five days a week: I take three or four 60-minute cardio-based classes such as Zumba, hip hop or step aerobics, and I take one 60-minute strength training/sculpting class (which has some cardio but not enough to bring my heart rate up to cardio class levels).

    Zumba and stuff like that is pretty much worthless, in my experience. Go jobbing, start running, you're not going to change your body by jumping around for a few minutes a day dancing.
    That's quite patronising. 60 minutes a day of cardio is plenty. How do you know how much effort she's exerting in her zumba class? It can be a very good cardio workout.

    OP - look at it this way, you've lost 3.5 lbs since you started in December. I know it's frustrating as hell to gain back some of what you originally lost, but you have made some progress over the last several weeks.

    I noticed that some of your diary entries seem a bit generic. For example, "peperoni pizza", "homemade cake pops", "pound cake" - are these entries that you have added yourself? If not, then there could be quite a variation between the nutritional content of what you have eaten, and what is in the database, so things could be amiss there.

    It looks to me like you've only just started eating back exercise calories? If so, then there is more food/waste in your system than there was before, and that will show up on the scale. (I think this is a likely culprit, especially as you say you are constipated.) Also, when you increase food intake, if you increase carb intake at the same time, that will make you gain a little water weight, as carbs hold onto water. Keep eating those exercise calories though, otherwise you're not giving your body nearly enough fuel for those workouts.

    As you are already aware, starting a new exercise programme, or increasing intensity will make your muscles hold onto water as they repair themselves.

    I would say - give it more time. Give it several weeks for your body to get used to the change in exercise and food, and you should start to see the fat loss on the scales.

    Give measuring a go anyway - you probably won't see changes very quickly, but it will help motivate you further down the line.

    Regarding the constipation - try tracking your fibre in your diary to see if you're getting enough. Also, if you are not getting enough fluids, that can effect things too.

    With only 30 lbs to lose, you may benefit from eating even more. A very large calorie deficit can be counter-productive the closer you get to a healthy weight. For now though, I would try for several weeks at the level you are now - making sure to eat at least a portion of exercise calories back - and see how you get on.