feeling unmotivated

I have been in this terrible funk for like a week or so. I don't care what I eat, if I exercise or not, I don't even care that I'm gaining weight back. What is up with me? BTW it's not that TOM!. I just don't feel motivated to do anything. I was doing really well too. Anyone else get like this, what do you do to bring yourself out of it.


  • tvgal
    tvgal Posts: 87
    ugh. i was there a few weeks ago. i didn't even want to get out of bed. sometimes i get that way when the seasons start to change. i have no idea how to "cure" it - i just pulled myself up, cleaned the house and went to the gym. everyday. for about a week. now i feel like i'm normal again. you just have to keep going... :)
  • swillett
    swillett Posts: 6 Member
    I think we all get this way and for no reason at all. I know having nice weather helps and for me I find that if I listen to my favorite workout music that will bring me around again. I have a lot of weight to loose so I can not give up, I'm more depressed being overweight and tired. Hope your feeling better soon!
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    I get this way, too. It really is all about the momentum for me.

    You know... when you make that one tiny slip up then feel bad about it, so bad that you slip up again. And again. And again. And again until you feel like giving up.

    The good thing is that you can turn that momentum in a positive direction. Tough it out to get one good day under your belt, and the next day will be that much easier for you. Then you will do it again. And again. And again, etc!
  • amk44
    amk44 Posts: 159
    Oh my! Don't give up on yourself! The BEST is yet to come...:flowerforyou:

    I felt like you described several times, and on those days I just "went through the motions" until the motivational feelings returned.
    Try something different (like dancing on your basement stairs :happy: ) or preparing a salad using a fresh veggie you haven't tried before (like julienned jicama :smile: ) or buying new dishes to serve up your food in (I bought beautiful glass dishes from a second hand place.:love: ).

    Most of all, take care of yourself. I hope you're feeling better soon. And please, please, please don't quit. You'll regret it later in life. You deserve to be a healthier you! I know you can do it!!
  • faithstimenow
    faithstimenow Posts: 99 Member
    we have all been there, i am in the process of getting motivated again....i wish i would have went through the motions...because now i am at square one again.

    i think with me, it's time....how do i find time to do this...then i have to make time, even if it's losing a little sleep.

    don't give up, you've came to far, to go back to square one....just force yourself to do it, even if it is "going thru the motions", the motivation will come back to you.

    today, i started logging what i ate....day 1.....i have to work on it, and i was going to use my treadmill...and it won't turn on...so i am going to have to find another activity to take it's place.

    you can join back in with me! we can start back together.
  • faithstimenow
    faithstimenow Posts: 99 Member
    :happy: ok....i have danced for 45 minutes...it really motivated me, i put some music on i liked, i waited for my family to be in bed, and i danced away....sweat pouring off me, and it burns more calories then the treadmill! and it's something i enjoy doing....i can't wait to have this moment to myself again! great end to day 1:love:
  • amk44
    amk44 Posts: 159
    Way to go, faithstimenow! :drinker: One day closer... :smile: I just got done doing some "broom handle oblique exercises" that I saw online. Hope they do some good - my obliques are pathetic... :laugh: My motto is to include something fun/different to keep things exciting. :smooched:
  • mdickey
    mdickey Posts: 3 Member
    Ditto for me. I have felt this that way, way too long, hence the weight gain over the past year. I am trying desperately to get back in the swing of exercise and eating better. So I am giving this website a try, the cost is right and I need to do something. As far as feeling unmotivated, just set a timer for 15, 20 or 30 minutes and give yourself a task, clean a closet, play a game with a child, read the novel that you have been wanting to start, paint you nails! We can handle anything for 20 minutes right? Usually by then the negative thoughts have passed and you have a clean kitchen drawer to make you feel like you accomplished something!
  • amk44
    amk44 Posts: 159
    Wow! Totally agree! Setting the timer and exercising on the stairs was indeed one of my strategies, too. I had forgotten because then spring arrived and with "raking lawns" and "mowing lawns with push mower" at two locations gave me sufficient exercise, so I wasn't timing it... :laugh: The timer is a great motivator...
  • BullDozier
    BullDozier Posts: 237 Member
    I know what works for me when I'm losing my motivation is to take a good look at why I'm doing it. What are my motivations? What are my goals? I'm doing it for superficial reasons, as I simply want to look better. I'll grab a Men's Health mag and look at the pictures. I'll grab the pair of shorts I used to be able to fit in and try them on. I'll look at pictures of myself from a year ago. It will remind me that while I'm not at my goal yet, I'm getting closer. It will help me get back on track.
  • maryroseclare
    I agree with reminding ourselves of why we're doing it. I've been working on focusing on my behaviour instead of my feelings and thoughts. For too long I've let my emotions and thoughts rule my behaviour. Now I am committed to doing what I need to do in all areas of my life, because my feelings will eventually fall in line. I'm finding the more I practice this, that it also helps my motivation and determination.
  • faithstimenow
    faithstimenow Posts: 99 Member
    amk - good job! i have to work on them calories now....i am still of base with a negative number, after exercise, but i am soo glad i started this site! keeps me on my toes, and let's me know what i need to change.
  • faithstimenow
    faithstimenow Posts: 99 Member
    i played around with dinner and exercise, and if i eat a half a steakburger, no bread, and exercise an hr, i will have 26 calories in the green. so, that's my plan.