Looking to add more friends.

Hi Im a mother to 3 wonderful kiddos. I works in EMS and I love it. It sometimes makes things a little chaotic, but I wouldnt change it for the world. I am trying to reach my weight goal of 115lbs or around there.


  • feel free to add me! We can totally stay motivated! Lets do this!!
  • Would Love more get fit friends, feel free to add me :)
  • Anikib
    Anikib Posts: 76 Member
    Hi, all of you, feel free to add me, the more friends and support , the better! :tongue:
  • msbonniemarie
    msbonniemarie Posts: 14 Member
    Im looking for more friends too
  • amandadegraf
    amandadegraf Posts: 4 Member
    I am looking for more friends and motivation too! Feel free to add me. :)
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    I have much more weight to lose then you about as much weight to lose as your goal weight. But you can do it! Can't really relate to only needed to lose 25 pounds but friend request sent :)
  • tjohn034
    tjohn034 Posts: 163 Member
    Welcome and feel free to add everyone! Best of luck to you in your goals!
  • Bozydeaux
    Bozydeaux Posts: 9 Member
    Me too! I'm looking for more friends here as well. There's no such thing as too much support and motivation!
  • I am on week #2 and could use all the ideas friends and support possable please feel free to add me!
  • 4C_diva
    4C_diva Posts: 43 Member
    Feel free to add me!!