Dusted off my dumbbells

Ok, after not lifting for the past 15 years due to some injuries and life in general, I dusted off my iron dumbbells from the closet to see what I could do. I still have some ligament damage and arthritis from breaking my neck years ago and surgery (plates and screws) so I have to be really careful and watch my form, but I wanted to give it a shot.

I did 2 sets of 10 reps with the 15 lb, alternating arms, then tried the 20. I did 5 with the right, but could only get 3 with the left.

I don't even remember what I could do 'back in the day', so I'm not sure how to compare this.

For a 49 yo, out of shape grandma, is this fairly decent for a start, or do I have a long ways to go to not get laughed out of the gym?
(I'm staying in the closet for now)

I will see how my neck feels tomorrow, and whether I can lift my arms, but I intend to continue to see if I can improve.

Should I stick with the 15s for now, or should I go ahead and start with the 20s, and just do fewer reps?


  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    Some people will say that lifting heavy for a few reps is best, some will say lifting light is best. I like to mix it up and do both - so some days do more with the lighter weight and some days do less with the higher. But like you said the most important thing is not to hurt yourself.

    And kudos to you for bringing those weights out! No one should laugh because you are doing a very good thing!
  • newata
    newata Posts: 75 Member
    I think the fact that you picked them up is a great start! And 15lbs is a pretty good amount! Great Job!
  • dragonfly_em
    dragonfly_em Posts: 122 Member
    have fun and go for it...no one will laugh and if they do...who cares!
    i'm enjoying 'New Rules of Lifting for Women' - lower reps, higher weights
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Thanks. I have trashed knees and a lower spine condition, so I can't do any lower body heavy lifting, but I thought I could start doing some arm workouts first and see how I handled that. I need to try to get rid of my bingo wings that are starting to creep up as I lose the fat off of my arms. Finding exercises to work around the injuries is a little challenging, but I am getting there.
  • marykpfist
    marykpfist Posts: 141 Member
    2 sets of 10 with 15 pounds is great! I'm a similar age, and haven't picked up weights in years. If you find the magic solution to the buffalo wings, let me know!
  • Thegle
    Thegle Posts: 41 Member
    I guess you probably have seen physical therapists or a trainer for opinions on this? You have such a special condition I would err on the side of "slow and easy wins the race". I'm just old :) so I have to be careful about balance and stressing muscles and tendons that have atrophied over the years LOL! But you are an inspiration!

    Bingo wings?? heheheh haven't heard that one!

    The other thing you could use to ease into it is resistance bands, enough can't be said about using our own weight to get things moving. I use them when I go on vacation and they work like a charm when done properly.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Yeah, Bingo wings come from the old ladies at Bingo that get excited when they win and wave their arms in the air, nearly knocking out the people beside them from the flapping skin. lol. I also call them Oprah wings, as she has a big problem with them and talked about them a lot.

    Are resistance bands the large, non-stretch straps that you hang over the door and use for push ups and pullup type rows? If so, I bought some of them last week and am working with them a bit. In my accident, I also broke my collar bone, and a ligament was torn lose so it is 'floating' now, plus I have ligament damage in my shoulder, so I haven't been able to do push ups on the floor, and wall ones don't seem to do much, but I can do some with the straps if I am really careful.

    I have some small 5 lb dumbbells that I have been using while I am on my stationary bike, to help increase my HR and also do some light work on my arms. What has been helping my triceps is holding my arm up beside my head and lowering the weight behind my head up and down slowly. I concentrate on the muscles that I am targeting. I can't do it as well on my left arm, with the shoulder damage, but I have seen an improvement in the sagging wings since I have been doing it. I am hoping that doing some bent over rows with the heavier dumbbells will improve them even more. I doubt I will ever get them back to 30 yr old status, but hopefully I can go sleeveless this summer without too much embarrassment!