Need like minded friends that are in their 30s



  • madamecj82
    madamecj82 Posts: 207 Member
    I'm there, too, girl! I just turned 30 in December and, although I've learned for myself how important it is to be healthy, I feel like it's just now really sinking in. I'm also open for friends for encouragement and support.
  • Feel free to add me...I am 34 and mother of my profile and blogs and you will find out a little more about me. I use to be a manager of a vitamin store and know quite a bit about supplements, diets and nutrition but just become too lazy to use my knowledge. Hope to hear from you and about your success soon! Cheers!
  • divermom12
    divermom12 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I'm 36 and am a first time mom of a one year old son. I worked out 3-5 times a week before getting pregnant & stopped altogther after I got pregnant. Still only gained 30 pounds & lost most of it a few weeks after pregnancy but have hedged back up to around 10 pounds heavier than what I was before I got pregnant. I think I've figured out life balance for now & am ready to workout regularly & eat healthy. I started myfitnesspal about 2 weeks ago & have also started working out again. I'd love to have more friends to share with. Please feel free to invite me!! I'll share any tips I have.
  • Kayciemae02
    Kayciemae02 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm not in my 30's yet, but fast approaching! I am in the same boat as you. Trying to get fit and start a healthier lifestyle. Feel free to add me!
  • phoebesunshine
    phoebesunshine Posts: 8 Member
    Whoever would like to add me feel free. I'm 36, single working mom of 5. My youngest is 1 and my oldest are both 19! I gained 100lbs about 4 years ago, dropped 40lbs during my pregnancy and never bothered losing the rest.

    I've decided to make a change for my health and my happiness. I started 3 weeks ago and have already lost 10lbs just by watching my calories. (gym ha! who has time for a gym!) I have another 60lbs to go and would love company along the way.
  • Hi - I'm a 37 year old mom of 4 girls. I've been doing MFP for 3 weeks and started running, and find that although i'm working hard the weight is slower to come off than i anticipated! i was always thin and at whatever i wanted. developed very bad eating habits, and the weight stuck on afte baby #4! so here i go, working hard to be a healthier mom.
  • amandadegraf
    amandadegraf Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I am in my 30s. I am momma of two. I am working on losing about 20 lbs to start and then I'll see where I want to go from there. 20 lbs would get me to a place I haven't been for about 8 years. I am looking to add some friends too. Please feel free to add me.
  • Hi. I'm a young at heart 38 year old mom of boys. Anyone feel free to add me. I will give motivation and I love to get motivation from others!
  • Ericsawicki
    Ericsawicki Posts: 75 Member
    I'm 37 and started almost 3 weeks ago. feel free to add me.
  • Ericsawicki
    Ericsawicki Posts: 75 Member
    by the way, i have about 50 pounds to lose.
  • fihealth
    fihealth Posts: 165 Member
  • kellysawyers
    kellysawyers Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 33 and a mom of 1 little boy. I started in September. I'm 19 pounds down with at least 20-30 more to go! Feel free to add me!
  • goody2shews
    goody2shews Posts: 129 Member
    I was in the same boat a few months ago. Most of my friends were out of shape and lived to eat just like me. I almost wanted to move closer to my sister to have a better influence in our lives. I kept coming to this site and reading the forums for a couple of months and every so often would enter my weight. Then I kicked into overdrive in October when I spent 4 days in ICU with my childhood best friend. That turned the light on for sure. I kept it to myself for the most part but, one by one people have found out whats going on with me. Now I actually see some of our friends making healthy choices and joining MFP too. It maybe is an effect of the New Year and people trying to do resolutions. I see my success as a seed that was planted in them. They are each responsible for their decisions. I am happy that I am the good influence now.
  • hi all, I am turning 30 in two weeks and looking for a great support system . I'm dieting and exercising but really I want to change the way I eat and be fit and toned. I've been dieting on and off for most of my adult life I'm ready to change all that.
  • EBurke0723
    EBurke0723 Posts: 17 Member
    I am 31 and am in the same boat. I'm looking for people to network with and share common goals. Please add!
  • Bull2707
    Bull2707 Posts: 106
    I am 38 I am here like everyone else. I am willing to share and support so go ahead and add me. Good luck and kick *kitten*!
  • I'm 30! I love learning about health and fitness. It's always been a passion of mine, but until recently, I've only ever known about it, not actually applied it. I'd love to get some friends who are also interested in it!!
  • olsondre
    olsondre Posts: 198 Member
    I'm 31 and fairly active on the site. Anyone can feel free to add me if they like
  • erin4455
    erin4455 Posts: 135
    LATE 30s here, but it's never too late for improvement, right? Nothing like a new year to start a new beginning!
  • Heitor70
    Heitor70 Posts: 56 Member
    38 here, anyone feel free to add me :)