Low-calorie snacks!

Hi! Me and my chemistry class are going on a field trip tomorrow. One of my close friends has just turned 19 so we're planning to go out and have sushi and a drink in the evening. BUT we're going by train (for four hours) and I know my friends are gonna bring all sorts of snacks, but I'd like to "save" some calories for dinner, because I know that sushi quickly adds up. What should I bring? Any easy, low-calorie snacks?

Thanks! :-)


  • 3005newkid
    Put a low fat light mozarella cheese stick and a few whole wheat crackers, along with a clementine or 2 in an insulated bag...you will have your protein, salt, and sweet to get you through that hump. Or make some peanut butter crackers (watch portions) ahead of time and include some carrots for real crunch. You can do it:)!
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I love nori (seaweed). I get the seasnax brand toasty onion flavor and the whole bag is only 42 calories. Protein shakes would be a good snack, too. They're very filling. Baby carrots, cucumber slices, celery, etc. are good and easy to pack. Maybe some blackberries and raspberries, too.
  • pixiesteph
    Apple, Rivita, low fat cream cheese to top them or Marmite. I love marmite Rice cakes. home made salty popcorn without butter may not be too high...