Losing the baby weight and more....

Hello everyone. I am here to help lose the weight I gained with my second baby and a bit of the weight I still had hanging around from my son. Also, I've always been a bit overweight and I'd like to be down in the healthy category. Plus, my husband is deployed and I'd like to look good for when he gets home.

I'm currently getting my little one breast milk still, so I am trying to be very very careful about calories in and out. I don't want my supply to go down, which is easy for me to see as I am exclusively pumping. Since it is just me and the two kiddos (my 10 week old and my two year old) while my husband is gone this isn't easy. I really want to just pop some frozen easy thing from the store in the oven and not think about cooking but I know my health and my kids health is more important.

I've also started jogging again. On week three of a couch to 5k. I was jogging about three miles three times a week before I got pregnant and I think that is about where I want to be again. I have about 22 pounds to lose to get to my pre pregnancy weight before kid 2 and 35 to lose before I get back down to my pre pregnancy weight from kid number 1. My husband is scheduled to be home from Afghanistan in July and I'd like to be back to pre pregnancy from kid 2 by then, as long as I can keep up the milk for my baby.


  • family9278
    Good luck to you! I have had four babies, and I know how the weight just stares at you and doesn't go anywhere. I am about 40 pounds away from being at my pre ever pregnant weight. After the first it just seemed to fall off, than after each one after that it was harder and harder to lose the weight. We are a very busy family so I understand how hard it is to prepare a dinner that is healthy. It is so much easier to just throw something in the microwave or oven from the freezer.

    I wish you all the luck you need to achieve your goals, it is important for us women to be healthy and set examples for our kids.
  • Jennifer1319
    Jennifer1319 Posts: 91 Member
    Best of luck to you! I am in the same boat! I have two boys 14 & 10, 10 years later I delivered twin girls in May! Never in my life did I have to diet and exercise so I am LOST as to where to start! Lol

    I am considering purchasing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution.
  • nje444
    nje444 Posts: 62
    Hi! I just had my baby in October and I am trudging through the final 5 pounds to get down to pre-baby weight. If you were active during your pregnancy, you should have to problem losing the baby weight and then breast feeding will also help you burn calories. You can burn an extra 500 a day - just sitting - which is awesome. It also helps your uterus shrink back down - which is usually where you'll find the biggest post-baby difference in your body.

    If you want any other tips, feel free to message me. To be honest, Billy Blanks Tae-Bo DVD's really helped. I could pop one in while my son napped and then multitask!