Database lacking Important Excercises

Anybody else notice that certain exercises are lacking? Like, having pushups and situps are great, but what about a set of burpees? Or Crossfit in general? Zumba is missing too! I'd be great to know how many calories I'm burning with those things, rather than just general calisthenics...


  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    If you buy a HRM, you can add your own exercise and the calories YOU burned, which will be a bit more accurate for you anyway as the ones on the DB are an estimate.

    I think realistically it is just too hard to give an estimation for these types of exercises as the intensity varies so much between people...
  • babystepsforward
    babystepsforward Posts: 52 Member
    If anyone does any of those and has a Heart rate thing, if they could add them that'd be great! it works out calories burnt per individuals weight anyway so if they added it to the system it would be accurate to them and then mfp could do the rest of the work and it would be accurate for everyone.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    Zumba is usually logged as "aerobic dance". If you have a HRM, you can change the calories to match it. Most of the MFP exercises are incorrect anyway.