Hi, my name is Tara

I downloaded the app a few years ago and have never really used it. I need some fitness pals to help me out along my struggle. I am the heaviest I have ever been and am not happy at all but can't seem to loose any weight. I will change my diet for 2-3days per week then get back into the same old habits of eating bad and not exercising. I really want to and need to do this for myself. I'm not healthy and do not feel healthy or attractive anymore. Please help me. I'm new to this so I don't know how to add people yet. Feel free to add me. Thank you :)


  • rush0321
    rush0321 Posts: 120 Member
    HI! :) Bety, it's all about will power and the mind set to do the right thing and steer away from the dark side. A.K.A bad foods lol
    It's great to indulge every now and then, and its OK to eat "bad food" in moderation. I love the app and this site!! Good luck on your journey you can always add me at anytime:)
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Hi, my name is Pam. I have lost 60 pounds, before MFP. Just started using this, because I've noticed I've been slipping into old eating habits again. I think it's the whole winter thing!!! I've been so bored, with very few friends or family to spend time with. I always used to eat when bored. I'm hoping to do good tonight, though, so wish me luck! I did zumba for 1 hour at 6pm at my gym, came home and ate supper, and later hit the treadmill for 30 minutes when I started getting bored. I love love love zumba. I hold it completely responsible for my weight loss. Now that I'm much more fit though, it's not quite as effective. I'm sure I don't burn as many calories with it as I used to. I still sweat my butt off, but it's much easier than it used to be. I know it's time to step up my game, but I think that I just have the good 'ole winter blues, n I don't wanna!!! lol My advice is, don't be too hard on yourself. It's kind of a learning game right now. You have to get to learn your triggers and how to avoid them, or learn how to deal with them. Make some changes, like not bringing junk food in the house, or hiding them when you do. Also, don't beat yourself up if you do have a treat now and then. Think about your calories in and out over the course of a week, rather than in one day. There are going to be days when you're hungrier, and days when you're less hungry. Just like there are days when you crave junk, and days when you don't. Exercise is really the key, and strive to just eat healthier. It is so true that when we eat like crap, we feel like crap, which makes us not want to exercise. Good luck to you!!! :D
  • Tara0089
    Tara0089 Posts: 7 Member
    Wow!Thank you both for the encouragement. I would like to try Zumba it's just finding the time. I'm in school and usually work two jobs but just got let go at one but I'm still searching for another job because bills aren't cheap. I very rarely have time to do a full workout and when I do I don't want to because I'm too lazy and sitting on the couch watching Netflix seems like a much better idea(at the time). I'm thinking of buying a stationary bike, it's just finding the right one for the right price.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Wow!Thank you both for the encouragement. I would like to try Zumba it's just finding the time. I'm in school and usually work two jobs but just got let go at one but I'm still searching for another job because bills aren't cheap. I very rarely have time to do a full workout and when I do I don't want to because I'm too lazy and sitting on the couch watching Netflix seems like a much better idea(at the time). I'm thinking of buying a stationary bike, it's just finding the right one for the right price.

    If you can't make it to a gym, there are DVD's and games for WII and XBOX, I'm sure for playstation, too. Curves is an awesome workout too! It's circuit training, and it only takes 30 minutes! If you can find a Curves by you, you can just pop in, do your 30 min. workout, and pop on out of there! They also do zumba in the circuit, which you can do for 30 or 60 min's, but it's a scheduled class, (if they have zumba at your facility). I really do like the live classes better, though. Trust me, if you get addicted like me, you'll make the time!
  • OhFitness
    OhFitness Posts: 31 Member
    Add Add Add....it takes a whole village girl...we're here!!!!
  • pugsood
    pugsood Posts: 9 Member
    hold on, is your name Tara or Betty? :)

    Welcome and good luck, I recently joined myself and while it's no easy path, I'm finding the fact that I login here daily and try to force myself to log my food definitely keeps me accountable. Some weekends have been hard but I think long-term, holding yourself accountable to logging, signing in, and to the friends you make on here will get us toward our goal.

    You're all over it!
  • AngelaKelly02
    AngelaKelly02 Posts: 73 Member
    I'll add you :)
    Good luck, this site provides a lot of encouragement, just make sure you take the time to login each day.
  • AmberB519
    AmberB519 Posts: 336 Member
    Welcome! I'm new to the message boards, as well. I'll add you :)
  • Tara0089
    Tara0089 Posts: 7 Member
    My name is Tara, when I signed up that name was taken so I used my nickname, Betty, like Betty boop because I love her!! This may be a stupid question but is it possible to find Zumba on YouTube? There are no curves locations close to me. There are gyms but they're all too expensive at the moment. Thank you to everyone that added me. I find it encouraging already to read what you've done which makes me feel stupid because I haven't logged anything.