Do you have to eat at home to lose weight?



  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    I order in lunch 3 days a week. I tell them grilled, no oil or butter. Or order a salad with fresh roast turkey and veggies. I have dinner out once or twice a week, same thing grilled meat with veg, unless it's a high calorie splurge day with pizza or enchiladas.

    Since I weigh all my food at home I can approximate very well. The more ya do something the easier it gets.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    It's certainly easier and you have more control at home but it's also possible to eat out and still lose weight. You just have to make good choices. Or make a bad choice and know how to recover and keep moving forward. I eat at home for most meals but I do socialize over a meal with my friends and I frequently have business obligations or have to travel for business. Unless you plan to never eat out again, you'll need to develop the knowledge and will power to be able to maintan your lifestyle. That means going to restaurants, family picnics, weddings, business lunches, church socials, the county fair, birthday parties....whatever you do. You can't hide in your house. Or, I guess you could but then, what's the point of wanting to get in better shape and be healthy?

    And, I agree it's certainly best if you can research and plan, sometimes you just can't. Life is full of surprises. I think it's better to have a strategy that you can apply to any situation rather than a plan for every incident.
  • asizesix
    asizesix Posts: 134
    ALSO! ALWAYS ask if you can order a half portion of the meal you want, or if you can get them to give you half and then put the other half in a take-away container for the next day!

    Especially pasta-based meals... I went to the Olive Garden the other day with a friend and we ordered the Baked 4 Cheese Ziti to share and we each got a starter turned out to be the perfect amount for us to eat..when normally if you put that whole pasta dish in front of you, you would eat the whole thing and feel STUFFED and icky.
  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    It's easier at home, but eating out can still be done. If you have a decent calorie deficit built into your goal, then going over your goal can still have major weight loss. Guess the best you can and enter it. Then stick to your goal. If you have a 500 calorie deficit and you are off by a hundred calories, you're still fine. I haven't had any big problems when I eat out a bunch.
    Don't stress it. If you're working out and eating right the rest of the time, you'll do great :smile:
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I'm afraid unless I cook at home that constantly eating out will sabotage me. I wish I had better control but a menu is like food porn to me. Sigh, but on the plus side my cooking gets better everyday and my bank account loves me and I'm eating triple the veggies I used to eat.