Can't get past plateau....please help!

I'm bouncing around the same three pounds and it's starting to drive me crazy.

I'm under my calories everyday but I do eat at least half of my exercise calories. I'm on week 6 of P90X so I'm working out 6 days a week and most of those days are pretty intense workouts.

So I need help and ideas on how to get over the hump.

Thanks everyone!:happy:


  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
  • patricepeop
    patricepeop Posts: 50 Member
    I hit a plateau for about 3 weeks. I realized that I was not eating all of my daily calories.As soon as I bumped my calories back up to 1200 I started to lose. I was only 50-75 calories short a day but it seems to have made a difference!
  • cnwofor
    cnwofor Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there

    To answer your questions properly more information would be needed. Your age, height, weight, the amount of calories you eat daily and how long you have been eating at that level. Also body transformation can occur without weight loss (aka loosing fat while building muscle) so using caliper measurement or tape measurements can help gage progress.
    Give us more info and maybe we can shed some insight to what might be causing this plateau.
    Keep going strong

  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    Have you measured yourself? You may have increased weight because you have increased your amount of muscles. Increase in muscles ususally means your waist and hips, arms and legs, are smaller. So check that out. It will keep you sane until the weight part settles down.
    How is the sodium in your diet? Lots of sodium means more water stored in your body and means your scale shows more weight. Try to drink the 8 cups of water so it will flush any sodium and other post digestive elelments out of your body.
    I do not know enough about what you eat to offer suggestions, so I will shut up now. :happy:
  • becca09
    becca09 Posts: 54 Member
    change your routine. i had two weeks where i lost 1 pound a week and i was not happy so i changed my workout routine and i got back to losing big numbers. your body can get used to the same routine and you can stop losing good numbers.
  • loonpine2
    loonpine2 Posts: 44 Member
    Change up your work out.. instead of doing your regular work out, walk, use the elliptel or bike a few days a week.
    Your body tends to get use to an exersice. ususally take 8 weeks, but not always for someone who is more fit than others.
    when I hit my first plateau, I was told to change my routine up. Instead of the ellipital for 40 min.. do 15 on the ellipital, 15 on the treadmill and 15 on the bike 3 times a week and do turbo jam 3 times a week..

    Hope this helps!
  • cheermom614
    Hi there

    To answer your questions properly more information would be needed. Your age, height, weight, the amount of calories you eat daily and how long you have been eating at that level. Also body transformation can occur without weight loss (aka loosing fat while building muscle) so using caliper measurement or tape measurements can help gage progress.
    Give us more info and maybe we can shed some insight to what might be causing this plateau.
    Keep going strong


    Charles - I'm 5'5" and currently weight 125 pounds. MFP says to eat 1230 calories a day but when I include my exercise calories is ranges from 1400 to 1800 a day depending on what workout I am doing that day. I did measure myself once I saw those suggestions and I hadn't done that in a while. My measurements are going down so I guess I need to retrain my brain to not look at the scale with dissappointment.