Started this week!

DhiaUK Posts: 28 Member
Hi everyone!

I actually downloaded MFP back in April last year when I bought my iPad, but downloaded so many apps at the time that I forgot about it until this week! Oh the wasted time...

I'm 45 years old and lost a fair bit of weight (7st 10lbs) on Weight Watchers between 2008-2009 and after maintaining for several months it slowly started to creep back on again, partly due to fibroids limiting exercise for a year and a lot to do with eating the wrong things. Following a UAE for the fibroids I got the all clear last December, and really want to shift the gain of 38.5 lbs (and maybe a few more as that target was the upper limit of the healthy weight range for my height). Being able to exercise again is a huge plus too. I did try the new Weight Watchers plan when it came out but it didn't work for me like the old plan, and when the online points tracker changed to the new plan my tracking method vanished overnight. The tracker on MFP looks right up my street, and the ability to scan bar codes is fantastic,

This seems like a really friendly community and I hope that I'll get to know you better over the coming months.

Now on to the hard work...


  • Missme979910
    Hello! I am new to MFP too. Just joined today. Like you, I am also 45-years-old, and lost 7 lbs, but I want to drop 32 lbs by June, and if I cant 'then by December. I used to be skinny up until 35, but after my second child, and quitting smoking, my weight started creeping up. On this past December I got on a scale and weighed 167 lbs, and I screamed!!!! I hate being a size 12 pants almost going to 14. I want to go back to size 8 and I maybe even 6!!! I feel totally committed to doing so. Three weeks ago, I started going for long walks (brisky walking) and totally watch the food I eat. No unhealthy snacks, or ice creams, etc (especially after 6 pm). This morning I weighed 161 lbs, and it has been about 19 days since I really started to watch what I eat.
    I wish YOU 100% success with your weight watchers program and your goals. Unfortunately, I do not have money to spend on those programs, I think we can lose the weight, become active with perseverance, self control, and being mindful of your goals. Keep us posted ....
  • DhiaUK
    DhiaUK Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for the kind words.

    I won't be following Weight Watchers as it'd be a tad expensive to pay a subscription to purely get weighed every week. I'll be sticking to MFP, calories and exercise. Exercise-wise I did level 1 of 30 day shred for the first time this evening and suspect their will be some pain tomorrow morning as a result.

    Wishing you every success - you sound determined and focused. I've no doubt that you are going to succeed in reaching your goals. :smile:
  • msherrodmorfin
    msherrodmorfin Posts: 12 Member
    I have been on again off again.. But trying to stick with it this time.. I want to drop 40 lbs.. I will add recipes if I enjoy them.. and please tag me with tips and recipes too..
  • Missme979910
    Thanks for the kind words.

    I won't be following Weight Watchers as it'd be a tad expensive to pay a subscription to purely get weighed every week. I'll be sticking to MFP, calories and exercise. Exercise-wise I did level 1 of 30 day shred for the first time this evening and suspect their will be some pain tomorrow morning as a result.

    Wishing you every success - you sound determined and focused. I've no doubt that you are going to succeed in reaching your goals. :smile:

    yes, I am!!! I have a big reason for getting fit and healthy. Find inspiration somewhere, stay on track, and do not worry about how many pounds. Worry each day at a time. And focus on getting active and healthy. stay in touch and good luck! ( just think how different we will look by summer time!!!!)
  • Missme979910
    hey, keep the upbeat attitute, yes you can drop those 40!!!