Food Help! I <3 Carbs!

Hi! I have a serious issue with Carbs. i love them and it's an awful thing! Anyone have the same issue and found anything to pacify their cravings???! I've also been doing this awhile and my only friend on here is my husband so if anyone wants to add me to help with motivation that would be amazing! I just need to see that other people are in this with me!


  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Yeah, I loved carbs. The only way for me to stop the cravings was to eliminate all simple carbs/sugar, even fruit.
  • mittyrox
    Hey I'm pretty much a carb addict too. What helps me is NOT eating carbs for breakfast.. because it seems I want them the rest of the day. I have an egg usually.
    Sugar free gum and sugar free jello helps with cravings. Not having yummy stuff in the house... the cereal I buy is plain and I wont go overboard with it. Once per week I allow myself a cheat day and have treats...
    (added u as a friend)
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Just curious, why do you want to get rid of carbs?
  • CarlyMiller528
    I need to get rid of bad carbs, it's my down fall its the one thing i will over eat. Although i did switch to better breads, now i'm trying not to eat them at all. it's mostly the sugary carbs im trying to rid!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Lean protein and healthy fats at every meal and snack including the recommended amounts of oily fish and dairy, a massive pile of non starchy vegetables and low sugar fruits daily, switch to the lowest glycaemic index carbs (beans, lentils, barley) and small servings. Avoid all sugar and white refined/ processed carbs, limit caffeine and alcohol, try to get enough restful sleep.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Just curious, why do you want to get rid of carbs?

    I'm wondering this too.

    I don't eat as many as I used to because I'm working on getting more protein, but if carbs don't make you go over your calorie goal you don't have to cut them out.
  • CarlyMiller528
    Thanks for the add! i already looked at your diary im gonna have to take some tips from you! it's hard for me also because i also don't eat a lot of meat! i've very picky in that way! I feel like i go to the gym and i do such a good job and then i get ridiculous cravings and i ruin it all! i also try to only eat what im alotted for the day and not eat the cals given to me from exercising.
  • dblaacker
    dblaacker Posts: 153 Member
    You shouldn't try to cut out carbs completely. Your body needs them. It's okay if you cut back on simple carbs, like those in breads and pasta, but you should never try to completely eliminate fruits or veggies.

    Read this; it should help explain things a little better:
  • shanander
    shanander Posts: 50 Member
    I never, I mean never thought I could give up carbs. Then 3-4 days of low carb (and practically no sugar) and your cravings go away. Get them out of your house so you can't snack on them. I do low-carb 6 days a week and eat carbs every Saturday. We eat out only so the carbs are not in the house for cravings.

    Sugar will cause you to want sugar. It's a vicious cycle and the only way to cure it is to eliminate it.

    If you give up carbs, just make sure you eat a lot of fat and protein or you will get headaches, light-headed, etc. I never had so much energy than when I gave up carbs (and I had a 6 week old and 3 year old when I started eating this way). You could try and include beans in your first few weeks (check out slow carb diet/4-hour body)
  • CarlyMiller528
    Thats the problem im having, i dont eat enough protein and although they dont make me go over my calorie goal it's usually not a good carb like a cookie or something sweet that i am trying to eliminate. i did start protein shakes and such but i dont feel like i eat enough "good" food.
  • MaintainCats
    MaintainCats Posts: 222 Member
    The best thing to do is to combine carbs and protein.

    Whole wheat toast w/ PB or Almond butter, bagels with PB, Crackers and cheese, etc etc etc.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Thanks for the add! i already looked at your diary im gonna have to take some tips from you! it's hard for me also because i also don't eat a lot of meat! i've very picky in that way! I feel like i go to the gym and i do such a good job and then i get ridiculous cravings and i ruin it all! i also try to only eat what im alotted for the day and not eat the cals given to me from exercising.

    You've answered your own question really: starve or deprive your body and it will fight back demanding calories NOW, your body doesn't know the difference between a famine and a crash diet. Are you even netting about your basal metabolic rate? It's difficult to get all the nutrients your body needs for health if you are refusing to eat back the calories burned, doubly so if you are filling up on processed/ refined sugary junk.

    Picky people should not be cutting out whole foods groups, it is possible to retrain your body to enjoy more variety of food. You don't need to eat meat if you eat plenty of oily fish and other seafood, eggs,dairy, nuts and seeds. You will struggle to make a balanced low carb diet without meat and fish tho.
  • shanander
    shanander Posts: 50 Member
    Actually, carbs are not needed in your diet (nor is sugar). Your body and brain need fat and protein to produce energy. Hence, why low-carb diets are not low-fat (and often times low-fat are high in sugar - including dairy)

    ETA: I am very picky but it is easy and lots of variety out there eliminating foods that are not needed. I have had discussions with my doctor about this and eliminating (bad) carbs encourages a healthy life. Beans, legumes, etc are a-ok.
  • mindbodystrength
    Nothing wrong with carbs. Eat up :)
  • mittyrox
    i try to eat half my weight in protein.. then that doesnt allow for too many carbs. but if you stop eating them you will binge on them. I think it's best to eat them in moderation but it's tough. you just have to talk yourself out of over eating carbs.
  • mittyrox
    if i work out ill eat over 1200 a day... you need to give your body enough fuel or it will treat every calory like triple what you are eating thus defeating the purpose
  • pastabelly
    pastabelly Posts: 50 Member
    I love carbs! Hence my screen name ;)
    I have just tried to switch to barley, quinoa, whole wheat pasta, spaghetti squash, ... You get the point :)
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    I'm a serious carb addict. What works for me is carb cycling. Specifically, since June I've been following "Choose to Lose."

    Every other day I eat low carb (after a high carb breakfast), so veggies only. The opposite days I eat High Carb all day, and low fat. On a high carb day I limit myself to whole grains, fruit & starchy veggies.... but only one portion per meal. Once a week, I have a "funday" where anything goes, and I can eat carbs and healthy fats together... so it is my one day for pizza or mac & cheese.

    This program is really structured... but it was enough to mostly kick the carb habit for me. Knowing that I can have a carb the next day, or on Sunday (my funday) is enough to get me through most of the worst cravings. Ocassionally I give in during the week.... but it isn't often anymore.

    If you want to learn more about CTL check out our group... "Choose to Lose by Chris Powell"
  • shanander
    shanander Posts: 50 Member
    I'm a serious carb addict. What works for me is carb cycling. Specifically, since June I've been following "Choose to Lose."

    Every other day I eat low carb (after a high carb breakfast), so veggies only. The opposite days I eat High Carb all day, and low fat. On a high carb day I limit myself to whole grains, fruit & starchy veggies.... but only one portion per meal. Once a week, I have a "funday" where anything goes, and I can eat carbs and healthy fats together... so it is my one day for pizza or mac & cheese.

    This program is really structured... but it was enough to mostly kick the carb habit for me. Knowing that I can have a carb the next day, or on Sunday (my funday) is enough to get me through most of the worst cravings. Ocassionally I give in during the week.... but it isn't often anymore.

    If you want to learn more about CTL check out our group... "Choose to Lose by Chris Powell"

    I read about that when I started low-carb. I started doing the 4-Hour Body and moved more to just low-carb, but still keep the cheat day. So any cravings (mainly pizza and chocolate) I still get so I don't need/want it during the week. In fact, I have a carb hangover - which often feels like a real hangover if I consume too many carbs.
  • timfitzy
    timfitzy Posts: 7 Member
    I think carbs have got such a bad reputation the last couple of years and its completely uncalled for. Although *technically* carbs are the least important macronutrient because we can survive without them (as your body can convert protein to glucose for energy) , I don't see any reason to cut them out as long as you put priority on getting enough protein and fats first, and balance the rest of your calorie goal with the carbs. :)