Anyone up for an 8 week challenge?



  • I have done a lot better than I have done in past weeks , before I discovered MFP.... This challenge is definitely motivating me toward my goals.

    1) I have tracked my food every day.

    2) I have exercised at least 30 min daily.

    3) I have stayed under my calorie goal everyday.......except for friday. I did go over a little.

    Next check in I look forward to reporting all three goals were suscessfully accomplished.
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    It's great to see everyone meeting their goals! Keep up the great work everyone!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
  • I'd like to join !!

    I go on vacation on June 3rd so my goals are:

    Drop 18 pounds (I'm currently 178)
    Eat 1000 a day
    Cycle to work and back at least twice a week (8 miles)

    I've been inputting my daily calories since Thursday. I've also made it public, so if anyone has any suggestions on where I'm going wrong, they would be deeply appreciated !!

    Stay strong everyone, we can do it !
  • Just wanted to say to dinosgirl and iris - WELL DONE !!!!
  • Thanks for the motivation, Chris!:smile:
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    I'm up for an 8 week challenge. I hope it's not too late to join! I've been at 176 for 2 months now (and I have a trainer) and I'm getting peeved!
    My goals:
    1. Lose 13 lbs- I'm only 12 away from no longer being considered obese!
    2. 5 servings of fruits/veggies every day
    3. Run a 5k at the end of the challenge- I'm stuck on week 6 of close now!

    I'm going on a cruise of the British Isles in 3 months and can't wait to look hot for it!
  • lolpops7
    lolpops7 Posts: 8
    Hi Chris

    Thanks for letting me know about this, i'm well up for this, i'm new to MFP so i think doing this along with other people will help me to stay motivated. If i take it 8 weeks from today it means that 8 weeks today i will be in Italy on holiday visiting family so that's a great goal for me, or if this challenge finishes before then i will be well on my way to reaching some mini goals by then (fingers crossed)

    Goals for the 8 weeks challenge are:
    To log records my food on MFP honestly everyday
    To exercise atleast 3 times a week for 30 mins
    To make a conscious effort to cutt down on chocolate and soda

    Thanks & Best of luck to everyone
    Louise x
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    Hey all, in case you are looking here's a reminder that tomorrow is our second official check in!
  • hepkitty
    hepkitty Posts: 132 Member
    Hey all

    Here's my Friday update!

    1. Lose 8 pounds taking me from 157.3 to 149.3 - lost and then gained this week so I'm still sitting on 155.5 at the moment, still 6 pounds to go!

    2. Have gone for 3 runs this week including 1 long run :)

    3. Ran from my house to the bottom of the hill of my 15k goal run (so 10k done) - it was raining the whole time though and I just couldn't be arsed walking up the hill in the rain :( But I've got another few weeks to do this one so we shall see!

    Good luck everyone!
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    So far so good. I wasn't able to get in all my workouts this week, but I donated blood yesterday on the way home from work. Tonight I did my 4 mile walk.
    Saturday is a cancer benefit 5K! I'm excited.
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    Hey all!

    Here's my check in:

    Goal 1 - lose 10-15 pounds. Challenge starting weight 267. Current weight 259.6. I'm halfway to the weight loss goal at the end of week 2. WOOT! Maybe I need to bump it up :smile:
    Goal 2 - exercise 30 minutes 6 days per week. Done - 7 days, most at 45 to 60 minutes.

    Bonus - I started C25K this week. Tomorrow is Wk 1 Day 3.

    I hope you are all doing well!
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    My goals:
    1. Lose 13 lbs- I'm only 12 away from no longer being considered obese!
    2. 5 servings of fruits/veggies every day
    3. Run a 5k at the end of the challenge- I'm stuck on week 6 of close now!

    SW for the challenge-176
    CW- 174
    2# lost! woohoo! I'm getting my veggies in so far and am still running, but can't break through week 6...ugh!

    Chris I think you need to change your weight loss goal for this challenge....haha!!
  • Just saw this thread, and I'd like to start now if that's alright :)

    1. Exercise: Four days of cardio/ two days of strength training
    2. Diet: Eat my allocated calories - no snacking after dinner, unless one piece of fruit or veggie - and drink my 8 glasses of water!!
    3. Lose 10 pounds

    Woo! I'm excited!
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I didn't lose any weight this week, but I met all my exercise goals & my food goals every day but Tuesday.
    I just walked in a 5K cancer benefit race.
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • who922
    who922 Posts: 26 Member
    I would like to get in. Accountability is really important for me. I want to lose 25 lbs. Doable for me since I am at 326.

    My Goals:

    -Lose 25 lbs
    -Do more cardio (weights are fun for me)
    -Log my food consistently
    -Drink my water

  • Jb27
    Jb27 Posts: 71 Member
    So far since starting the challenge i have lost 4 pounds and been able to workout every day :) I have also been able to log all of my food for 15 days in a row which has been great, i have lost a total of 35 pounds so far 25 with this site and cant wait to keep going.

    ~Jessica :)
  • dinosgirl
    dinosgirl Posts: 157 Member
    It seems like everyone is doing well - moving right along! Awesome job guys! And welcome to those who recently took up this challenge. Good luck to you! :happy:

    I have continued to log ALL my food and exercise. I slipped up in the eating department a couple of days there but I am back on track. I am still doing well following my Insanity program - haven't missed a workout yet! I feel sensational each time I complete a workout and I am definitely getting stronger.

    I plan on weighing myself tonight so we'll see if I have any changes on that end. I am not expecting much - female issues have been abundant this week. :wink:
  • CookieJarD
    CookieJarD Posts: 22
    I think I am at a bit of a plateau. I only lost 0.5 pounds, but I did my six days of exercise (5 cardio, and 3 of strength training). I struggle to drink enough water, but am up to 6 glasses a day. Logged in all my food (and never over my target)...not being a patient person, this is a test for me! Everyone looks like they have done a great job! Keep it up, MRP'ers!
  • mia66
    mia66 Posts: 425
    I know it late but just found your challenge. Could I join in?

    My goals for the week would be.

    1. do ab and lower back workout every day.
    2 .drink at least 5 glasses of water a day.
    3 .eat at least 2 servings of raw vegetables a day.

    EAT LESS MOVE MORE:flowerforyou: :drinker:
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