Biggest Loser MFP Journal

akmett Posts: 75 Member
Just wondering what the journals of people on the Biggest Loser would look like...

I just catch a little of the show here and there, but never see much about what they are eating - just what they shouldn't be. Last night the coach mentioned that most overweight people skip breakfast and made a 160 calorie smoothy. Seems like someone who has that much to lose and will be working out all day would need a little more then that to hold them over...or am I wrong?


  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    They eat very little - if I'm remembering right, it's 1200/1500 for women/men, and they're burning around 6000-8000 calories through exercise per day. It's not about a healthy/sustainable diet, it's about sensational tv.
  • mamakathy
    mamakathy Posts: 130
    I agree it's all about a rating. I haven't watched a whole lot of it but you have to commend the hard work involved.
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    Some of them lose 14lbs + a week so I imagine they're eating very little, having said that they are supervised by doctors.
  • peniculala
    peniculala Posts: 81 Member
    I wonder about the health of it. Because of my digestive issues (GERD, just to name one), I'm not supposed to do intense running, or things like that because they can trigger my problems. I was walking until I had an incident, that I will not mention the exact nature of, because of a food allergy I was as yet unaware of. Still afraid to go out walking though! But, maybe they work closely with a doctor to watch out for these kinds of issues. At least I hope so. I just wouldn't want anyone to have the problems that I've been threatened with if I do programs like Jillian or my running, or anything like that! It sucks! OK, yeah, I was totally venting. Sorry! :tongue:
  • jnlynn
    jnlynn Posts: 101
    Yes the biggest loser is definately not the sensible diet but I have to say it is very motivating. If you watch all of the shows, you can pick up on bits of ideas that can help you on your journey. I like that they have kids on it this year, it's trying to show that the kids these days are overweight and need to get moving.
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    I am starting to watch BL this season and have loved watching it before because I get that I make a lot of excuses. I just saw my first recording for this new season and really literally cry. They reach me in a very special place that makes me see them as heroes -- all of them, the trainers, the contestants, the crew - everybody who participates in this mission to help people overcome obesity. I love that children are the focus this season and they will not be eliminated - not given up on, and no one quits on them. I love that! I guess I have my own childhood issues to deal with, but something very loving, powerful and strong says that we are all worth it, and we are loved until we can love ourselves healthy. It also makes me cry to see how difficult it is for the biggest people to exercise. They are in it, fighting for their life! They could die without this intervention. BL is providing them an avenue, support, and motivation to keep going when it is so very tough. It totally motivates me as I find myself struggling to try hard in my own weight loss program to be consistent with exercise, to be thoughtful about what I eat, to be accountable for making no effort or very little effort to get healthy and then to change that thinking and way of behaving and eating. I wanted to post here to find out if anyone else is so moved by BL this season as I am. I find the commitment levels on the trainers and contestants' parts unimaginable - they are outstanding people all of them! I want to be like them. I guess I want to be as successful in my own personal journey to get healthy and fit. I will keep watching and get to the gym today a bit more motivated. I find the show has a positive effect on me.
  • pen2u
    pen2u Posts: 224 Member
    Smiles, beautifully put. I don't watch that often because it is too intense for me, but I'm glad they are helping kids now. What you said about not giving up on the kids really hit home with me, since I have been fighting for my DD's health for years now, especially since she moved into residential living. The disabled have rights in our state which means they can eat themselves into dangerously high weights or at the least poor health. If care providers are lazy or greedy they won't provide good, healthy food using these rights as the excuse. It makes me crazy!!
  • catmalicki
    catmalicki Posts: 2 Member
    i watch and am inspired. i've been a fan of it since the first season. i watch it while on the treadmill wishing that i had that workout facility to roll to every day. i just started back on a fitness i need to pretend that if i slow down i'll have jillian barking at me. i have always loved her, but in truth, i found her very disturbing and unncessarily harsh in the first two episodes. she's mellowed a bit - i would imagine after reading negative comments about her, and the fact that she only has 2 people left. not everyone responds well to lunacy. at any rate, i lift during commercials, run during show. if i'm in a hurry, i zip through the commercials (thanks DVR) and just run/walk through the whole thing.
  • dnish53
    dnish53 Posts: 162 Member
    I think what they are trying to do on the show is to show the contestants and people at home that there are good choices that are quick and easy to eat. They are always talking about nutrition. The food is in the kitchen at the ranch but they want to show them how to eat at home when they go back. The other thing I have noticed in past seasons is that they will talk to contestants about the importance of eating enough.

    Yes I am a big fan of the show and love seeing Jillian back. She is tough but sometimes that is what it takes to break people down so that they can get rid of the excuses. We have all made them a to why we can't be healthy.