Hi my name is Ashley!

Hello everyone!

I am beginning my new weight loss journey. I began last week and have lost 3 lbs. I am currently weighing 210 lbs. I am also working out with the p90x workouts to get some proper exercise. I am a senior in college and ready to start a new chapter in my life. Over the years I have been unsuccessful at keeping the weight off because it has never been truly about me. This has changed. It is the start of my final semester of college and time to start to take care of myself by I eating right and working out.

I no longer want to hide in the shadow of a body that is not really mine. I am ready. I am looking for supporters and motivators to help me on my journey. I am look for girls in their 20s with similar weight goals. By the time of my senior formal in April I want to be in the 180s.

1. Weigh 200 by mid feb.
2. Weigh 190 by spring break in march
3. Weigh 185 by April 13 (senior formal)

Message or add me :)


  • schenzy
    schenzy Posts: 19
    Friend request sent!
  • HandyASH
    HandyASH Posts: 109 Member
    I could always use more support. I am 26, married, two kids, and my name is also Ashley
  • MelissaLaTorre
    Hey Ashley, my name is Melissa. I can definitely relate to how you feel. I have tried so many diets over the years and none of them gave me the results I wanted and I was not able to keep the weight off. I am 34 and have 2 kids, work full time and am also a full time online college student, I will be done in June! I am so busy that I never have much time for anything, but I am taking a course right now Health & Fitness and was required to pick a healthy change to work on and write about.

    I started out at 245 pounds, which is hard for me to admit how heavy I really was. When I was pregnant with my second child, I gained about 30 pounds and have not been able to lose any of it, and he will be 3 on Feb 4th. So, enough is enough! I started my diet on January 2nd and am already down 4.8 pounds, which I am very proud of! I am trying goals in the short-term to help me so focused longer, so my March 15, I want to be down 15 pounds to 230 and by the end of June, I would like to be around 200. I am hoping I can do it!!

    I just joined a gym nearby and tonight was my first workout, which according to MFP, I burned over 800 calories, I sure hope they are accurate, because I will go everyday if that's the case! I wish you lots of luck!!! You can do it! If you ever need someone to talk to, you can always send me a message! Keep up the good work =)