Help! Feeling low

:sad: :sad: :sad: I have been calorie counting for three weeks now and for the last two weeks I have not lost an iota. I am on medication which may lead to an increase in weight. I feel as if I am in a losing battle. I keep my calories to 1200. I feel like giving up but I know for my health I have to keep my weight steady. Please hepl me!!! :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:


  • bionicpatti
    :sad: :sad: :sad: I have been calorie counting for three weeks now and for the last two weeks I have not lost an iota. I am on medication which may lead to an increase in weight. I feel as if I am in a losing battle. I keep my calories to 1200. I feel like giving up but I know for my health I have to keep my weight steady. Please hepl me!!! :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member

    I think others will weigh in here, too, with many suggestions but I think the start of your problems is with the low amount of calories you're eating. You only want to lose a small amount of weight, comparatively, and 1200 calories is simply too low an amount for you to be eating.

    Plus, give us more information--the more we have, the more we can help.

    What is your basal metabolic rate (BMR)?

    What is your daily deficit in calories?

    Are you exercising?

    If you are, are you eating your exercise calories?
  • laureneva
    laureneva Posts: 372 Member

    I think others will weigh in here, too, with many suggestions but I think the start of your problems is with the low amount of calories you're eating. You only want to lose a small amount of weight, comparatively, and 1200 calories is simply too low an amount for you to be eating.

    Plus, give us more information--the more we have, the more we can help.

    What is your basal metabolic rate (BMR)?

    What is your daily deficit in calories?

    Are you exercising?

    If you are, are you eating your exercise calories?

    also dont forget just becuase your weight isn't budging doesn't mean you're not losing
    a lot of ppl on here have the same problem, except some of them don't realise that they are actually losing, becuase they dont measure themselves, some people have lose in measurements but not weight some weeks
    could this be your problem as well?
  • bionicpatti
    My BMR is 1432. I eat most of my calories. I may have a deficit of 10 or so some days but I may go over by the same amount on another day. I do not do much exercise as I have acute arthritis in the spine and knees as well as my shoulders. I had a total knee replacement 11 months ago. The 1200 calories was worked out by the system with my height, weight etc.
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Wow--ok. Well, keep in mind that it takes 3500 calories to burn a pound! So, it's going to take a while.

    And, since you're limited with exercise, it's going to take longer.

    Maybe speak to your doctor to find out if there is some light exercise you could that wouldn't cause pain or damage to your joints.

    I sympathize with you on that part--I can't do much weight training due to shoulder injuries and I can't do jogging due to knee problems; so I bike ride. Maybe you could try that?? Bike riding is easy on the joints. But check with your doctor first.

    Hang in!!

    Others might have more suggestions, too.