To be SO near...

amk44 Posts: 159
edited September 20 in Success Stories
And yet SO far... LOL :laugh: 1 pound to go to reach my goal and stuck in neutral.....:grumble: LOL

But there's always T-O-M-O-R-R-O-W, tomorrow, ... (she sings as she exits stage left...) :laugh:


  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    Wow you are SO close to your goal!! Well done! Have you planned a fabulous reward for when you get there?
    And what will you do once you reach your goal weight?
  • hwhittle
    hwhittle Posts: 8
    That is great :) i cant wait til i get that near...i have a LONGGG way to go...just dont get hung up on a must feel fabulous being just ounces from your goal :)...great Job...
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Congrats!! I'm stuck right there with you!!
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    YOur sooooooooo lucky....I'm jelouse!
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    YOur sooooooooo lucky....I'm jelouse!
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Congratulations....I am real happy for you
  • dac60
    dac60 Posts: 22
    omg drink that water and maybe a fluid can do it and dont give up..i did that 10 yrs ago and gave up..i said well im close enough..and i failed....u can do it and you hold on untill 3 to 5 lbs inder your goal is accomplished to make room...your so close...ill pray for u...lots of blessings headed you way....
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    No biggie,,, one pound? Please...

    Go to the can, go for a bike ride, take a shower, just get a good night's sleep. Bodyweight fluctuates by 2-3 pounds every day and squeezing off a pound to see a magic number on a scale is no biggie.

    Here's an old wrestler's trick to lose a pound in an hour (like while riding a bus to a wrestling meet, just for example :smile: ),,, get a pack of Hubba Bubba bubble gum and a 2-liter bottle. Chew the gum and spit the saliva into the bottle, you can spit off a pound in the hour it takes to ride a school bus from Marietta Ohio to Zanesville Ohio, done it. We whipped 'em too!

    The real celebration is the good habits you've made getting here. You never have to be fat again,,, you know how to control it now. Good for you.
  • Wow congrats....1 lb away is amazing. You can do it. Work your lil butt off today and I am sure you will achieve it, if not you will always have the next day. Mainly focus on how far you have come.
  • kalenak
    kalenak Posts: 1
    Congratulations...I'm so jealous, just started x 1 week and today officially lost 3.5 pounds. Small step, but on my way to minus 50.
    Hang in there, you're all inspirations to me.l
  • amk44
    amk44 Posts: 159
    Thanks! You guys are the BEST!!! Makes me feel so good sharing with you! For me, I believe that the only people who can truly understand how I feel are internet friends (who feel like family) who are on the same journey and realize it involves getting up the hills along the way. It feels SO good to know that I have one last hill to get myself up, and then I will have the new experience of "maintenance". I'm SO LOOKING FORWARD to that!!!! :happy:

    I'm sure if I stick to my guns that I'll be able to attain my "ambitious target goal" by Mother's Day, and I must admit that if I do, it will be the BEST Mother's Day Gift to myself ever... :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • amk44
    amk44 Posts: 159
    btw, I know I could trick my scale by purging or whatever, but I promised my son when I started this that I wouldn't use tricks, but rather do it the slow, healthy way. I've learned from people on this site how important self discipline is (and patience with oneself), and I won't give up and stop at this "well, it's close" weight. I don't want to see myself as a quitter - even though I'm this close, and I am confident that my persistence in doing what I am doing will eventually show up on my scale.

    And yes, I'm a slave to my scale (weigh myself every day) and will continue to be until I can prove to myself that I can attain the goal I set and "maintain" it long enough to "trust my new habits" without frequent weighins. The weighins (and my daily diary) have gotten me this far, and I really don't want to backslide after I reach my target... I think of all the people on here with much more ambitious goals than mine was, and I am SO inspired by them! THANKS to you guys for leading the way. It would have been a much scarier experience without you!
  • AllisonMS
    AllisonMS Posts: 104
    I'm right there with you, lady. Stuck one pound from my goal for 2 weeks straight.

    And I completely agree that, while the tricks are funny (Hubba Bubba spit a pound a way?!?!?) , it's going to feel that much better when it's a solid goal, legitimately, authentically reached.

    So let's just redouble our efforts and do this thing!
  • amk44
    amk44 Posts: 159
    LOL! :laugh: You are SO right! Now I feel a competition in the wind...:wink: Please do post when you are "legitimately" at your goal...:love:
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