Close to home -IDAHO

Hey I am looking to find support that is close to home here in Idaho!! SO that way I have someone who will push me to the max gym time, and just motivation!! Please feel free to add me


  • Not a whole lot here from Idaho. Good luck.

    "No quitting, and no excuses."
  • So I just talked out of my end. There is many pages of Idaho people on here, even within 25 miles of my zip. Good. I really think Idaho needs to get in better shape. The winter is coming and to many people don't do anything all winter except stay home and watch TV. I like TV, but not all day long.

    Good Luck Idaho and the USA.
  • Come on Idaho, get it together..

    Good Luck to ALL.
  • jenbeck81
    jenbeck81 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm from Idaho, and always thought that Idaho was a pretty healthy place compared to everywhere else I've lived. Less stress, healthy options for food, plenty of sources for outdoor activities.... all reasons why I chose to bring my family to live here.
    I've just got back into the gym after having my 3rd child. I was off and on bed rest for 5 months and very restricted activity for 4 months after having him. He is a year and a half now, and I think its way past the time for me to get back in charge of my health and fitness. Its not as easy as I was hoping it to be. Definitely not like riding a bike here.
  • Come on Idaho.
  • bump
  • Come on Idaho get with it.
  • ShannonKN
    ShannonKN Posts: 152 Member
    I'm in SE Idaho. You guys on this side or over by Treasure Valley? I'm looking for some running buddies.
  • SW Idaho
    Ada County.
  • Bump Idaho
  • Come on Idaho and get with it. LOL
  • So, still slow go on getting back on track. I got to get in the pool again for major laps.

    Good Luck everyone.
  • Idaho where did you go?
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    I grew up in Boise, Idaho. Gained most of the weight I had when I moved away from there. I miss biking on the Greenbelt to Lucky Peak. That was a great way to spend a Saturday in the summer. Can't wait to visit my family there again. Hope you can find some peeps there.
  • I'm in SE Idaho, but I don't "run" more like jog.:happy:
  • ShannonKN
    ShannonKN Posts: 152 Member
    I'm in SE Idaho, but I don't "run" more like jog.:happy:

    Semantics! I just finished C25K, and I'm between a 9 and 10 minute mile depending on weather, time of day, color of my socks, and other random variables. Is that anywhere near your range? Are you planning on doing any of the SE Idaho 5Ks this year?
  • I was born there, but don't remember much other than snow. :smile: I would like to make it back there to visit one day though.
  • Still going in Idaho.

  • Here! I'm in Canyon County!
  • JonnySmith0248
    JonnySmith0248 Posts: 14 Member
    I am also in Idaho, Ada County. Four years ago I lost 65 lbs., but time and life have not been good to me and I've put some back on. Currently working on getting it back off and reaching my goal weight again =)