Would anyone like to do P90X with me?



  • i started the lean program today...again, ive had the dvds for 4 years, but never really took it seriously until now, ive made it a month before but my goal is to go all the way through the program without stopping this time :D and finallllyyyy become a graduate lol
  • gioisa75
    gioisa75 Posts: 242 Member
    I'm in my 5th week of the program.
  • Br4ndi
    Br4ndi Posts: 177
    I just finished P90X and it is time consuming but after a few weeks you will learn all the moves and you can move along faster as you will no longer have to listen to Tony Horton. By the last month I could get through it with ease in 30-40 minutes.
  • Dammitviv
    Dammitviv Posts: 117
    I won't do the whole program, I've tried and don't like some of the workouts, but I wanted to let you know that the Yoga is great, and the Plyometrics is by far my favorite. Good luck with it, if you stick to it, you will see great results!!
  • I won't do the whole program, I've tried and don't like some of the workouts, but I wanted to let you know that the Yoga is great, and the Plyometrics is by far my favorite. Good luck with it, if you stick to it, you will see great results!!

    Why won't you do the whole program if you know it gets great results? You know, Beachbody has TONS of different programs! If you are interested, I could help you pick out to suit your style and within your budget. There is a brand new program, Body Combat...maybe this is more your style?? Most all programs have money back guarantee if you do not like them. Anyways, I'm here if you need me chica! Reach out to me whenever! :)

  • plyo kicked my *kitten* today! haha
  • anniebell83
    anniebell83 Posts: 51 Member
    I am on week 5. Plyo is one of favorites as well
  • Hey everyone! I bought the program for my boyfriend for Christmas and we've both been doing it.. and we've ALREADY seen great results!

    It's super encouraging and pretty easy to follow. I'm already through Week One and just finished my second day of Week Two (I'm doing the lean version, and my boyfriend Alex is doing the regular program.)

    He found that subbing in Cardio X for Yoga was more his speed. He doesn't really like spending 90 minutes doing yoga - I totally get that. I'd suggest following the Lean version if you don't want to build bulky muscle but would like to lose fat and tone up a ton. I'm totally here to be supportive and I'd really love to lose about 20-25 lbs and I'm on track to do that by Easter! I can't wait!

    PLEASE message or friend me if you'd like - I'm always here for support and to chat! :0)
  • FUN FACTS ABOUT P90X: Dreya has stated that she is "omnisexual.." meaning that she's "attracted to anything organic in nature..." LOL

    And, the German girl who's in the video - if you google her name - she's done porn. HILARIOUS! Where does Tony find these people?!
  • Lisone
    Lisone Posts: 78 Member
    FUN FACTS ABOUT P90X: Dreya has stated that she is "omnisexual.." meaning that she's "attracted to anything organic in nature..." LOL

    And, the German girl who's in the video - if you google her name - she's done porn. HILARIOUS! Where does Tony find these people?!

  • I started a p90x group on Facebook for anyone that is interested! I know some people prefer MyFitnessPal... but I thought I would throw the offer out there. If you are interested... let me know by an add or message through a private mail message. I can't figure out how to get notifications for follow-ups to my posts on the message boards! :happy:

    I'm ready to BRING IT!!!!!!

  • GoTeamMeaghan
    GoTeamMeaghan Posts: 347 Member
    I'm on week 8 and absolutely love it! Feel free to add me as a friend or check out my instagram (username: GoTeamMeaghan) to see food pics, recipes, etc.
  • queenjustine03
    queenjustine03 Posts: 28 Member
    As soon as I decided I was going to start, I got the bad flu that's going around up here.. how ironic! Haha! That is the reason I have been quite MIA on this board.. I've gotten over the majority of the sickness and all I'm left with is the sniffles. So tomorrow (Jan 23rd), I am definitely going to start to Bring It! I need to! I'm looking forward to it. The week that I did it before I felt amazing, it was just time consuming. And the biggest difference I found was how much better I sleep! I can't wait to start, and I'd love all the encouragement I can get!

    Thank you all for being so supportive. :) I really appreciate it every day and I'm definitely gonna need it in order to keep going!
  • AmalfiCoast7
    AmalfiCoast7 Posts: 5 Member
    I am almost finished with my 2nd week of P90X! Yoga is the most difficult dvd for me so far... :sad: But Iam not quitting!
  • tiffanyheth
    tiffanyheth Posts: 510 Member
    I'm on day 4 of P90X. I'm really enjoying it! :)
  • You should look into ChaLEAN Extreme! I'm only on my second day of it, but I feel like it targets the areas that women try to tone, and I'm already feeling much more motivated doing it than I was with p90x. And like you said, p90x is sooooo time consuming. I just lost the motivation to keep on doing it. ChaLEAN Extreme is a beach body workout as well, and I absolutely love it. Of course, if you don't like Chalene Johnson (Turbofire, turbo jam, etc.) you might get annoyed by the workout since she is so peppy. She helps me stay motivated, but I know a lot of people get super annoyed by her!
  • queenjustine03
    queenjustine03 Posts: 28 Member
    That's actually something I'm going to look into right now, coming to think of it! Less time consuming is what I want! Because honestly, it often takes me at least an hour and a half for one DVD because I stop and start it, because my goal is to COMPLETE it. I'll look into ChaLEAN Extreme, but I'm still so looking forward to feeling that old burn from P90X :)
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    I am almost finished with my 2nd week of P90X! Yoga is the most difficult dvd for me so far... :sad: But Iam not quitting!

    If the yoga gets to you because of the length (the hour and a half drives me insane, personally), you might consider replacing it with Fountain of Youth Yoga, also done by Tony Horton. I believe it was done specifically to be a replacement for Yoga X. It moves a little more briskly, skips a lot of the cool-down stretch, and comes in right around 40 minutes.
  • I'm starting week 2 of P90X and Insanity Hybrid. :) I'm 34, mom of 2, working full time. I've been pressing play with Beachbody for 7 years on and off. Tony is my Fav

    Add me if you want support eachother.
  • naterar
    naterar Posts: 48 Member
    I just finished day 7 of P90X Classic and I just LOVE IT. I bought the DVDs last year and tried to start the program but just wasn't in the mindset and didn't have all the things I needed to complete it. Now I am ready and committed to doing the 90 days. My new motto is JUST PUSH PLAY.... You and can me as well if you want support...