Unhappy & time for a change. Any runners out there?

Hello out there...

My name is Jen and I'm from Sydney, Australia. I have lost 2.5kg over the last 2 weeks. I am already beginning to feel motivated to keep working at my weight loss goals.

I gave birth to a beautiful little boy 9 months ago, and during pregnancy gained about 25kgs. I have lost 10 and still have 15 to go until i was my pre-pregnancy weight. THEN...I need to lose about another 10-15 to be at a healthy BMI.

So...my weight has caused me to feel miserable, with low self esteem, for quite a while now. It is having a negative impact on my relationship with my husband and I am sick of feeling unhappy. I think about my weight constantly. I look at other women and wonder if they are happy with their size and shape. I envy slim women. I am even dreaming about my size...this has to stop. I want to love the body i have and the skin i am in.

I have been diligently tracking my calories for 2 and a bit weeks now. I have lost 2.5kgs. I excercise a minimum of 4 times a week for about 50minutes each time. I am finding it hard and would love to hear from others out there on how they are doing.

I had a lot of frustration last night after an exhaustive argument with my husband so i went to the gym. I sweated like i have not sweated in a long time and I LOVED IT! I pushed my self to run on the treadmill and now want to commit to running on the treadmill for 5 minutes each time i go. I will work my way up from there and might look at signing up for a 5km fun run in about July. That's the plan anyway.

Again, I would love to hear from others out there, particularly if you run and have any tips for me as I begin my running journey.

Support welcome- and godd luck to all of you out there working to achieve your weight loss goals too.


  • Sweetbelle159
    Sweetbelle159 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Jen

    I've not long started on MFP but I am loving it, I've lost nearly 5kg.......I'm a runner(a very slow one) and I've done lots of 5 and 10 km races, a couple of half marathons over the past few years but am hoping to complete my first marathon this year....fingers crossed....I started running with the same circuit everyday, I initially walked it, then as my fitness improved I started to jog a little bit of it until I could run the whole distance.....the distance was 3 km and it took me a few months to get to that and then I just increased my distance little by little every week.....please feel free to add me as a friend....Belle
  • SSarahh23
    SSarahh23 Posts: 22 Member
    Try the couch to 5k program! http://www.c25k.com/c25k_treadmill.html
    It's so much fun, I used to struggle running for one minute but now I can do 20 without feeling worn out.

    I started out just running when I felt like it on the treadmill, like yourself, but this program provides the guidance to build up your endurance and (slowly) speed.

    Feel free to add me as a friend - I'm in Australia too :)
  • FooFatFighters
    FooFatFighters Posts: 37 Member
    Aloha Jen, I'm going through my second round a Couch to 5K training. I already went through it once but I'm such a slow runner that I figured I'd do it again but pick-up the pace this time. It's kicking my butt and I signed-up for a 5K race in March. I've never done a race before but in college I was a running fool (not competitilve just on my own) and would run 6 miles/day and 7-9 miles on Sundays as I was training for a marathon, but alas I never did one.

    C25K is a good program as it'll take you in steps to build-up. I bought an iPhone app to coach me though there are free apps and even a podcast that just as it as an mp3 that can be played on anything.

    I even decided to go with 'barefoot' running style (I wear Luna Sandals) and it seems to be so much better than the normal Nike or Brooks and other brands of shoes I was wearing to run before. Feet stay cooler, I never feel like my ankle will twist and no extra laundry of dirty socks! Decided to do it after reading the book 'Born to Run.'

    Good luck, keep at it, remember to take rest days to recover and hydrate well.
  • m0ll3pprz
    m0ll3pprz Posts: 193 Member
    Hi Jen! Welcome to MFP, you have found a great tool to assist you in your achieving your goals. I am not currently on a running schedule but like you, my hope is that I will be running in the somewhat near future! I just wanted to congratulate you for taking the step toward a healthier, happier you! Best wishes in your fitness journey! Please feel free to add me to your list of growing supporters :-)
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I stay positive and that keeps me on track. Find yourself some positive friends and refuse to entertain negativity from anyone, yourself included. As far as fitness, finding something you love is key. I'm so glad you enjoy running. I started running in August, ran my first 5k in December. Yesterday I ran 10k for the first time and the feelings of joy, pride, and accomplishment are indescribable. I typically run 2-3 miles a day 5+ days a week but yesterday was the first time I'd ever made it over 4 miles, and I ran the whole 6.3 miles! I never thought I'd be able to do it until I was much closer to my goal weight. I still have over 100 lbs to lose but I'm not letting that stop me. My weight has held me back long enough, and those days are over.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Hello and welcome to mfp, its a great website and will help you achieve your goals. I have learnt loads whilst being on here. Ive had two surgeries in the past 9 months so getting back to being fit.

    I would recommend couch to 5k, i used it back in 2011 and went from struggling to run 2 mins and now running 11 miles! You can do it too. Good luck
  • danimal5867
    Hi Jen,

    My name is Dan and I've been on MFP for about nine months now. I have used running as my primary tool in losing over 70 pounds. I started by running short periods of time while on long walks. That eventually became taking brief walking breaks while on long runs. Now I just go out and run. There are several running groups on here that can give excellent advice about running. My personal short list of rules is all about clothing. Get a good pair of running shoes, preferably from a store that caters to runners. Never wear cotton! Cotton clothing will absorb all your sweat and lead to chafing. You need fabrics that will wick the sweat away from your skin allowing you to stay comfortable and dry. Finally, mileage burns calories regardless of how fast you go. A walking mile burns just slightly less than a running mile but the running obviously has greater cardiovascular benefits. One more rule from a book I read: Nobody ever got hurt from running too slowly. Take it easy and remember to take regular rest days. I try to run four to six times per week but my best days are almost always after a day off.
  • Jenpuyol79
    Thanks so much!
  • SchizJophrenic
    SchizJophrenic Posts: 55 Member
    I too have just joined MFP. I have never been a runner and been getting into it recently. I go running 2-3 times a week with a friend who is slightly fitter than me, but runs with me and supports me. We have been using the "ease into 10km" app, which has been great, and I am already starting to notice a difference.
    If you don't want to buy the app, then I just downloaded an interval timer "Impetus" and follow the ease into 10km routine (copied below). I think that finding what suits you is the best. Good luck :)

    Run x3 a week:

    Week 1 Duration: 29 min.
    Run 3 min/walk 1 min Repeat x 5.

    Week 2 Duration: 34 min.
    Run 4 min/walk 1 min. Repeat x 5.

    Week 3 Duration: 39 min.
    Run 5 min/walk 1 min. Repeat x 5.

    Week 4 Duration: 45 min.
    Run 8 min/walk 1 min. Repeat x 4.

    Week 5 Duration: 49 min.
    Run 9 min/walk 1 min. Repeat x 4.

    Week 6 Duration: 53 min.
    Run 10 min/walk 1 min. Repeat x 4.

    Week 7 Duration: 57 min.
    Run 15 min/walk 1 min. Repeat x 3.

    Week 8 Duration: 63 min.
    Run 17 min/walk 1 min. Repeat x 3.

    Week 9 Duration: 66 min.
    Run 18 min/walk 1 min. Repeat x 3.

    Week 10
    Day 1: Duration: 55 min.
    Run 22 min/walk 1 min. Repeat x 2.

    Day 2: Duration: 61 min.
    Run 25 min/walk 1 min. Repeat x 2.

    Day 3: Duration: 71 min.
    Run 30 min/walk 1 min. Repeat x 2.
  • Jaja_Joli
    Jaja_Joli Posts: 17 Member
    Hello, I would love to help you progress as a Runner. In September 2011, I could not run more that 1KM at the time. I ran many races last year, including a half-marathon, faster than I ever dreamed possible. I made many friends along the way and running definitely helps me be a better person. And you course, it also a great calorie burner. I run about 4 times a week and do about 2 hours of general fitness classes also. I lost over 70 pounds in the last 2 years, along with working full time and having 2 kids ;-). I you want to add me as a friend, feel free.
  • Andrea419
    Andrea419 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi Jen! Welcome. I used to run, and just recently started up again with the C25K program. I really love it and plan on signing up for a 5k this spring.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Hi, i would just like to put in another vote for the couch to 5K programme. In November I struggled to run for 60 seconds at a time and last week I ran for 25 minutes without stopping. I would recommend taking it slow and just push yourself a little harder each time. You will be amazed how quickly your body will adapt to it.