Losing weight to burst fertility...

After seeing multiple doctors, including a fertility specialist...I kept hearing the same things over and over again. I need to lose weight, I'm too heavy, and I'm infertile. So I started my mission on here to lose weight to gain a baby. My aunt sent me a few organic powders in the mail to help boost my fertility. My question is: Has anyone tried, these???

Real raw organic hemp protein powder
Raw organic maca powder
Ashwagandha extract powder

I already researched them. I read the good and the bad. But I was wondering if anyone on here has tried these. :) Also, anyone who has gone, or is going down the fertility road...feel free to add me :) I'm pretty easy going, very overweight, and just starting to see a glimmer of hope in my future again... :)


  • BluBecca
    Also, the topic was supposed to be: Losing weight to boost fertility...not burst. OOOPS
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    you don't need any special supplements, just eat less than you burn off to lose weight, and do exercise and eat healthy foods to stay healthy while losing weight.

    the protein powder is good for ensuring you get enough protein (this along with exercise that works the muscles hard helps to preserve your lean body mass (i.e. the non-fat parts of you) while losing fat, but it's not necessary unless you struggle to get enough protein from "real" food alone. I have protein powder, although not every day, because sometimes it is hard to get enough protein without going over on carbs and fat.

    No idea what the other ones are!!

    I haven't had any fertility expert opinion on this, but before I had my first daughter I was struggling to conceive and I was also obese. I joined weightwatchers and about 2 months after I got to my goal weight I conceived. Personally, I would not do weight watchers again though, because there was no emphasis or information about the importance of preserving lean body mass and keeping the metabolism fast, and I piled all the weight back on again during my pregnancy. This time around I've used a different method, i.e. focusing on preserving lean body mass and losing fat slowly, by doing weight lifting and a healthy diet that gives me a little less than I burn off for slow and steady fat loss. I've maintained my new weight without difficulty this time around. for more information about this, seethe "in place of a road map" thread.
  • fraggles1805
    fraggles1805 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi we fell pregnant by accident with my daughter (now 5) but I never really lost the baby weight. 4 years of trying for baby two led to nothing so I started a hardcore exercise regime, working out 2 hours a day 6 days a week on advice of the doctor. 3 Months later I was pregnant and now have my 9 month old boy. Now getting back to doing what I was doing before I got pregnant. It can be done with just genuine hard work and determination!
  • ptw330
    ptw330 Posts: 14
    Hi we fell pregnant by accident with my daughter (now 5) but I never really lost the baby weight. 4 years of trying for baby two led to nothing so I started a hardcore exercise regime, working out 2 hours a day 6 days a week on advice of the doctor. 3 Months later I was pregnant and now have my 9 month old boy. Now getting back to doing what I was doing before I got pregnant. It can be done with just genuine hard work and determination!

    Wow congrats on the baby and all the hard work! :)
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    You say you have done your research, so I am not going to get started on quack cures.

    If I were you I would want to know:

    What are the potential side effects?
    What clinical studies have been carried out regarding side effects?
    How, exactly, do these powders boost fertility - do they encourage ovulation, do they encourage regular ovulation, do they improve the chances of implantation,? How does it work?
    What clinical studies have been carried out regarding their efficacy?

    By clinical studies I mean double blind and a statistically significant sample size.