Weight linked to seizures? Anyone else with epilepsy?

I have a theory I'm testing and wonder if anyone else has done this....
I had VERY few (that I recall) seizures up until a Jr. in H.S. when I had one in the middle of auto shop class one morning. (24 years ago, but I recall like it was yesterday! There were only like 5 minutes left and I started getting fuzzy. I'm thinking "Please...gimme' a few minutes & I'll go down by the nurse & tell her." About 2 minutes before the bell rang, "boom". )
Since then they've increased but they've gotten better ever since I've been on herbs I've been using. The only thing I've changed since H.S. is about 40 pounds, not to mention going down by the fast food places almost every day during noon hour recess -which now that I know what I do, this no doubt was a major contributer. I'm trying a combination of weight loss and that ketogenic diet (kind of)....weight loss combined with low carb intake (about 10%) and high fat/protein. I HAVE noticed a difference a little in how I feel and haven't had even a complex partial seizure in a few weeks. (My last generalized seizure was I can't recall how many years ago. There are times I've been close to blacking out (on the floor feeling like "why is everything moving and I'm not?". but I haven't actually lost consciousness in a long time ever since I've been on these natural herbs.
Has anyone else ever tried anything like this, or heard of anyone anywhere mentioning this kind of thing?


  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    I used to have Eplisey/ Seizures when I was 8 months old. I don't anymore though. I have never heard of it being linked to weight before. My father had seizures when he hit his head on a machine and learned he hit one of his brain tumors. another friend of mine had them when he was about 4 years old he was in a car accident. it is possible your theory could be correct in part.
  • westie2506

    I have Epillepsy too, and have woken up from a seizure in some very interesting places! Thankfully I seem to have grown out of seizures since hitting adulthood. It's only then I've piled on the weight.

    Not sure if this is proof or simply empirical evidence.

    Just out of curiousity, what 'herbs' have you been taking?
  • newenglandgirl54
    newenglandgirl54 Posts: 1 Member
    HEY, i have had epilepsy for about 13 years since i was a teenager i have JME with complex partial and tonic clonic. I BELIEVE without a doubt it's linked to weight and diet.I've lost like over 50 lbs the last couple years and my seizures always decrease when i eat healthier and work out more.I also get more seizures if i have too much sugar, in the form of junk or just too many carbs.So i eat lowish amount of carbs. I've never heard of the natural herbs...do you know what they're called?But i do know i have less seizures with the lower carb intake, but im always on meds cause it's too dangerous for me to even miss one dose.
  • DeanBurrows
    DeanBurrows Posts: 116 Member
    It will be the Keto Diet.

    It was actually introduced to help people with Epillepsy :)

    The classic therapeutic ketogenic diet was developed for treatment of paediatric epilepsy in the 1920s and was widely used into the next decade, but its popularity waned with the introduction of effective anticonvulsant drugs.
  • jfpinell
    It's not an "official" ketogenic, but my own version (for lack of a better way of putting it). I'm combining the low card/hi fat part of it with calorie reduction to see if my weight theory pans out. (More or less getting 2 birds with 1 stone).
    I've been on many herbs since I started getting into the Eastern/herbal medicine about 15 years ago. It would probably take a book to tell about them all.
    I know what you mean about the drug stuff and the diet kinda' being pushed to the side. I've said and firmly believed for years that it boils down to nothing but $$$ for "Pfiser and Merck"! I've gotten books by Kevin Tredeau, gotten tons of info. from my herbalist, and gotten newsletters for years now by 2 M.D.'s that have decided "enough is enough with the A.M.A., F.D.A., and drug companies!" and have started uncovering all the lies and twisted stuff the food and drug giants have brainwashed us into believing for decades and getting word out to people. Look up "dr. douglass" and "Dr. Mercola" on-line. Personally, the more I get into this, the more I'm convinced that if Someone meant for us to be sustained on drugs, He would've made pills grow on trees as our food. I always tell people. The thing is, healthy people don't buy drugs. If we all knew what to take to cure everything, they'd all be out of business. What gives me the most evidence of this is when M.D.'s just push & push drugs, drugs, drugs on people......a neurologist I recently seen in the last month, wanted me to DOUBLE the amount of drug I was on "just in case" and to "make sure nothing happens" -even though I told him TWICE that I have a bit of trouble balance and memory -wise on what I'm currently on! Uhhhh....something wrong there? I did what he told me anyway just as proof as to what I told him before that I probably wouldn't be able to stand up....and I was right! I was walking around every day like I had just downed half a bottle of Jack Daniels, if you will! But he STILL wouldn't care to listen! After 20 mins. of trying to talk to him civilly and him getting more annoyed, I finally asked him "would you rather I have in-home care every day because I can't function on this amount of drug?" No answer. Then I finally asked him point bluntly "How much are the drug companies paying you to push drugs to this amount on people? How does that fit into your oath to "....keep my patients from harm and injustice"?!" Again, no answer. Needless to say I don't care to go back to him again!