Just looking for some freinds

I have been shy alot of my life and had hard time with friends and keeping freinds. I dont know where to start and want to make the best out of my life. Its time for a change and for a better life. My start inlcuding my weight was at 428lb 5'11 and now i am down to 390 with 4 months. I am by far not a health nut just average guy trying to make the best of the life i have now. Hard to explain why got so big i have weird eating habits sometimes i go all day and just one meal then snack here there. My main vice was ice tea driking over a half gallon a day. Now i can make it last a gallon of tea for a week at work. I work alot but at desk no fun being trapped in this fox hole for almost 12hrs a day 5 days a week, but you got to do what best for the kids. Well that some introduction on me.


  • Willkathmum
    Willkathmum Posts: 62 Member
    Well done for making a great start, I hope your success is keeping you motivated...there are a lot of people on here who will want you to succeed too! Feel free to add me, I'm by no means an expert as only been active here since 1st Jan but having to log everything i eat and knowing that other people can see what I am up to is really helping!
  • unskinnybop1
    unskinnybop1 Posts: 25 Member
    hey there, would love some friends. Hoping to become healthier as my first year of university hasnt done my body much justice. Not the healthiest eater or best exercise but would love the support. Seeing other peoples victories in my newsfeeds guilt trips me into eating and exercising better :D
  • cjs3001
    cjs3001 Posts: 273 Member
    Looks like you need to get some good habits and continue on the good work and you'll lose in no time. Congrats on the weight already lost, keep up the momentum and you'll do great! :smile: