40-60 yrs., female, with 20 or so to lose????

Hi Ladies,
I'm 50 yrs old, looking for others who are having a difficult time losing those hard few pounds. I need the motivation and support. Is anyone else in the same boat? I'm tall (5'10') so some say I hide the excess but I am well aware of the presence of the extra poundage. I'm a mom of a 12 year old and I'm a teacher- busy, busy. Has anyone found any great tips?


  • Karen5732
    Karen5732 Posts: 64 Member
    Feel free to add me, I am 55 with another 11lb to go , will help to motivate you as much as I can.... Good luck
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    feel free to add me. I have 10 pounds to go. 5'11" , I'm 46 and mother of 3. Youngest is 16. I'm a full time college student finally getting my degree and then hope to head back to working full time. Disabled from MS but don't let that stop me.
  • SFBJaye
    SFBJaye Posts: 18 Member
    Hi I'm 40 years young with 23 lbs to lose. I've been working out diligently for the last opulence of weeks and trying to stay under my 1200 calorie intake with little to no results so far. I could definitely use some support! Feel free to add me!!! Good luck with your weight loss!
  • jsd_135
    jsd_135 Posts: 291 Member
    Hi there. I'm 48 and trying to lose 25 pounds. Been doing this for 2 weeks and I've dropped 4 pounds, but I'm not sure if all of that is entirely real. Feel great though, especially being in control of my eating.

    I hope to get at least a profile picture soon.
  • JamieDD
    JamieDD Posts: 175 Member
    Feel free to send me a friend requst. I just turned 56 have 15 lbs to lose. Don't have any children at home...instead I've got 6 horses, 1 pony, 1 steer, 7 cats and 1 husband to take care of. :laugh:
  • prudism
    prudism Posts: 149 Member
    feel free to add me I am 44 nearly 45 next month and have another 25 pounds to go getting there slow but sure.
    I have 3 kids and my youngest is 4
    Only started logging on properly early this year and am determined to loose it or die trying lol
    BTW mini goal aiming to add a decent profile pic asap
  • srm1960
    srm1960 Posts: 281 Member
    :blushing: I'm new too-I'd like to lose 15 more-I am a twice WW life-timer too-decided to try this now-instead of the points-this works when I see it in black & white-& I'm secretly obsessed with this site & my new MFP friends here-they feed my soul instead of my stomach-LOL-
  • wendypf
    wendypf Posts: 9 Member
    Hi I'm 52 and have been yo-yo-ing ever since I quit smoking 3 years ago. Currently I am carrying around and extra 25-30 lbs that I would love to lose by the summer.
  • cmcy24
    cmcy24 Posts: 17
    Welcome! I'm new as of 2 weeks ago. I'm a 46 year old mom of 2. I have more than 20 to lose, but would love to have new friends to help out. Please feel free to add me.
  • wendypf
    wendypf Posts: 9 Member
    Hi I'm 52 and have been yo-yo-ing ever since I quit smoking 3 years ago. Currently I am carrying around and extra 25-30 lbs that I would love to lose by the summer.
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Feel free to add me - I am 48 and have been trying pretty hard for about a year to get this extra off. It doesn't want to budge! I've tried 1200 diet, I've tried the Eat More to Lose way, I've tried Insanity and now I'm trying New Rules. I've never had this hard of a time getting my weight to budge so I'm thinking its got to be my age kicking in. Everyone says its as easy as calories in versus calories burned but I'm having a hard time believing its that easy as I've gone for weeks and been really diligent in logging and exercising and still not see a pound lost. I'm getting ready to go the dr. for an exam and blood work so we will see if there are any other things going on. Its depressing to say the least but I am going to keep on pressing on until I find something that works!
  • MariaAkeroyd
    MariaAkeroyd Posts: 96 Member
    Feel free to add me.
    5' 10" and want to lose 7 more pounds. I have lost 13 so far.

    And I just turned 48.
  • drlauraks
    drlauraks Posts: 2 Member
    HI! I am 45, mother of 3, with 24 more pounds to lose, keep getting stuck right where I am now, and frantically trying to get past this wall I've hit. Would love to brainstorm ideas with all of you!
  • cutchro
    cutchro Posts: 396 Member
    Feel Free to add me. 48 with 29 pounds to go but would be happy with 19! Of course the 19 is what I had originally lost and gained back. :blushing:
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    I'm 48 and have 15-20 lbs to lose. It's a constant battle.

    Always open to new friends.

  • rafiki2013
    rafiki2013 Posts: 49 Member
    Feel free to add me the more friends the better!~
  • mawmawandlovingit
    mawmawandlovingit Posts: 45 Member
    Feel free to add me! I am 47, 5'2" and would like to lose 20 pounds. My 30 year high school reunion is at the end of April so I am totally motivated to get this weight off by then (I only weighed 98 lbs at graduation). I am currently doing the Jillian Michaels body revolution in the mornings and also doing cardio in the afternoons 3-4 times a week. I have also cut out sweets (my weakness). Good luck to you!