What does a typical day/week look for you at the gym? How much cardio? Strength training? Duration?

Starting up tomorrow and I just want to know what others workouts look like!:)


  • beautifulbeast11
    beautifulbeast11 Posts: 202 Member
    I'm trying to build muscle so I have 6 days weights (1 hour sessions), 2 day calisthenics (30-45 min sessions), and 2 days cardio (boxing 1 hour). All on specific days, certain muscle groups alternate. It all depends on your goals lady!
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Have you developed some specific goals like, get stronger, lose fat, gain muscle, etc.? If this is your first go around its helpful to think about that. At the same time, just getting into the gym and starting to use the weights, etc. is good because it gets you comfortable and learning.

    I have been lifting for a few years now but I just started Wendler's 5/3/1 program on a 4 day split - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. I also run two to three days a week. Women's programs can be pretty similar, looking at Strong Lifts and the New Rules of Weightlifting for Women, both of which demonstrate that women and men can lift the same way, just get different results due to differences in hormones.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    I lift 3 days...and might do cardio on a different 2
    i believe it is a more efficient use of time to lift a full body routine with mostly compound moves, and maybe some accessory thrown in.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Strength training 4 days plus 30 to 60 minutes cardio

    1 day straight cardio 90 mins

    1 day I run
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    3 days on, 1 day off, don't really follow it by the week.
    Legs/Push/Pull I alternate between strength (low rep) and hypertrophy (high rep) days.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Tues: Rest
    Sat:Some form of Cardio
    Sunday: Weights

    Or At least, thats what it will look like as soon as I finish up my last session with my trainer tonight :)
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    2 hours of cardio, 4 days a week, 2 hours of strength training, 3 days a week
  • Emile_Jarreau
    Emile_Jarreau Posts: 29 Member
    How much is different for everyone. The thing I strive for "the least effective dose for the goal."

    Meaning do the least workouts no matter cardio, strength or yoga required to achieve the current goal with a given workload. When just starting out, two days at 30 minutes of "work" is all that's needed until the body adapts. Then adjustments can be made.

    Testing of results based on the efforts used will give the best planning layout for an exercise plan.

    The main reason for this is that is the body has a breaking point that needs to be adhered or understood so we can avoid burn out. It will require more over time , but that timeline is going to be different for each of us.

    In addition, the best place to start is with the diet. Eat to win by being in alignment with performance, "the Look" or quality of life you want to achieve. Eat enough to support the workload and sleep to allow recovery. No need to over work the body unless the goal is other than weight loss.

    From starting 38 years ago with just doing basic stuff to full days of very 16 hour days of physical training for becoming a candidate for the US NAVY SEALS...workouts have been an ever changing metric over time.

    Enjoy your open to change...and keep it sexy :)

    Emile, Mr. Fat Loss
  • MichaelVakili
    MichaelVakili Posts: 27 Member
    When I'm not tired of my work. Basically 3-4 times per week- strength training (~30-40 min) + cardio (rope jumping/running/punching bag) ~10-15 min.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    I lift 3x per week. In a gym. I'm not a gym rat though.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    I lift 3x per week. In a gym. I'm not a gym rat though.

    and this^
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    Not a gym rat but...

    I lift 5 days a week in the morning
    I run 1 mile in the morning, except on leg days.
    I run at least 2 miles a night, 5 days a week, even on leg days.
  • anzi888
    anzi888 Posts: 102 Member
    This is what I aim for every week. I'm usually pretty good at following my schedule...
    Cardio (usually spinning or ringette) 3-4 times a week.
    Weights (usually Body Pump) 2-3 times a week

    So minimum of 5 workouts and a max of 7 every week. Once in a while on the weekends I'll stuff both in a day to take an extra rest day or to burn a crappy eating day.

    I haven't lost that much in pounds since I've started this routine two months ago (3-4lbs) but I have lost 5 inches. (This is the best routine I've found in the last few years)
  • i am a gym rat

    monday I run for 45 mins and then do weights with my trainer for 1hr

    tuesday i teach cycle for an hr then I do 45 mins of zumba or run for 45 mins

    wednesday run for 45 mins then 1 hr of weights with my trainer, i teach water aerobics in the PM

    thursday i teach cycle for a hr then I will either do zumba or run for 45 mins, in the PM i teach cycle again

    friday pilates for a hr then 1 hr weights with a trainer, i will meet a friend and go for a run in the PM

    saturday I teach cycle

    sunday I rest

    BTW this will change weekly , depending on if I teach extra classes or not.
  • aelunyu
    aelunyu Posts: 486 Member
    Almost no cardio...unless i'm dieting in preparation for something.

    10 minutes on some bike or elliptical (just for blood flow)
    50 or so minutes of weights
    15 minutes of foam rolling
    10 minutes of stretching.

    When I need to diet:

    I do 45 minutes of moderate cardio far far away from my weight lifting time. thrice a week!
  • 2 days running on treadmill... 25 min- 3 miles

    2 days strengh training classes (1 hour classes)

    1 day spinning class (1 hour)

    1 day step class (1 hour)

    fridays off ! :)
  • __RANDY__
    __RANDY__ Posts: 1,036 Member
    What does a typical day/week look for you at the gym? How much cardio? Strength training? Duration?

    Starting up tomorrow and I just want to know what others workouts look like!:)

    5 maybe 6 days

    4 days lifting no cardio

    1 maybe 2 cardio

    I do my lifting fast and cardio faster so i'm out of the gym right about an hour.
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    Keep in mind, I'm an advanced lifter and a beginner type workout tires me out too bad over the course of a week, so this is not an optimal workout program if you're new.

    My routine (actual days of the week vary, but I do 4 main workouts per week). set #'s are working sets only, I usually warm up on the first couple exercises and routines are posted in the order I do them at the gym.

    Bench 3x3-10
    DB Incline Press 3x8
    Weighted Dips 3x8
    Tricep pushdown 3x8
    Tricep Curl 3x8

    Deadlifts 3x2-5
    Barbell Rows 3x5-8
    One Armed Rows 3x6-8
    Pullups 3x5-10 (depends on if i do them weighted or not)
    Seated DB curls 3x8

    Barbell OHP or Arnold Press 3x5-8
    DB front raises 3x8
    Lateral Raises (machine) 3x8
    Internal Rotation 3x12 (rotator cuff exercise)
    External Rotation 3x12
    (sometimes I'll do more tricep work here, sometimes not)

    Low Bar Backsquat 3x3-10
    Leg Extnensions 2x8 one legged, 1x8 two legged
    Prone Leg Curl 3x8 (sometimes one legged sometimes both, sometimes I mix the sets)
    One Legged leg press 3x8

    I will sometimes do a fifth workout the day after my shoulder workout (the lightest one to me) to do more work on bench or lower body (usually DB bench or squats).
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Should be based on your fitness and body goals, not what others are doing. How are you starting up tomorrow without any routine set?
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    Should be based on your fitness and body goals, not what others are doing. How are you starting up tomorrow without any routine set?

    Oddly I did not pay enough attention to the OP to determine that this is exactly what needed to be said