body for life bill phillips

anyone on the bill phillips body for life any success? Thanks


  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I did that program when I was a teen. It actually worked, but then I stopped. I don't remember much about it though....
  • coburngirl
    coburngirl Posts: 69 Member
    I bought the book and did it a few years ago. I loved it and am hoping to restart in March. The whole plan is free online now which is great. Seems easier than when I had the book :) Good luck!
  • ArtemisSusan2013
    Hi there
    I did it about 5 years ago with great results, lost 20 # fat, gained muscle and strength and dropped 3 sizes. I just started a new challenge on Jan 14th, so today is day ten. I found out about MFP thru some of the online forums on the BFL website. I definitely recommend it, as I've seen the results in myself and others. plus it's about fitness and health, not just what the scale says (which can be really misleading)
    good luck to you whatever you go for!