bumping off last 10 pounds - advice on lifestyle


I have been wanting to lose 10lb/5kg since I can remember. I am 5"7' and 140. I have a generally healthy diet (I can't live without my veggies) besides my horrible chocolate/dessert addiction - can't usually go a day - but I have given that up and want anyone's opinion as to what is missing/wrong with my diet and lifestyle. I have tried going to the gym in the past and do cardio but I feel there is something small I am just missing, advice would be so much appreciated! I really hate my stomach fat and despite what people say, you DO NOT lose weight when you move to Japan!!!!!

I am a student living in Japan (from Aus) and got a push of inspiration to just 'do it' and reach my goals after a weekend away snowboarding and crazy muscle pain, reminding me of when I used to go to the gym. I have a 2 week trip snowboarding again in 6 weeks so want to try for this goal by then and am dedicated to improve my fitness.

I have started to cut out all gluten from my diet (almost no bread, no pasta) and introduced quinoa daily, flax seed and black chia seeds. I snack on no more than 2 handfuls of almonds, carrots, cherry tomatoes etc. My daily protein will be salmon fillet, 120g beef or 120g pork. I also eat tofu regularly and don't drink milk (soy for me!) as well as have a slice of cheese maybe once a week. I love my eggs and soy sauce, seafood, onions/garlic/ginger, Japanese sweet potato which I bake for dessert (purple ones, much less sweet than orange), daily coffee (no sugar) and seaweed. I would have close to 4+ servings of veggies a day and maybe 2-3 servings of fruit (apple, mandarin, banana, blueberries).

I also take vitamin D, calcium, a multi, magnesium (bruxism), fish oil (sometimes) and have a history of Hashimotos syndrome (thyroid disorder) which I have read is known to increase weight. As well as contraception which I would prefer to stay on for obvious reasons.

I ride my bicycle to and from uni 15mins each way daily, as well as do a lot of walking in general. I have not been doing cardio besides this as it is so unbelievably cold for me here (just surpassed 110F in Sydney, type of weather I hate but am used to) so I struggle to get outside. I have done a bit of yoga in my room on and off as well as some P90X workouts. I'm trying to stick to no more than 1200 calories intake a day which is so hard even when eating so clean like this, but will be close to impossible on weekends (at my bf's place). I live in a shoebox of an apartment (more appropriately, room) so once I am home I will sit at my desk for the rest of the afternoon/night which I know isn't so great.

I know this is a long scrawl, and I feel that saying no to desserts will make a big difference, but I am feeling so lost and just want to know if there are any inspiring words! Doesn't feel good to know your partner who is close to 6ft weighs the same as you (damn skinny Japanese)!!

Thank you so so SO much in advance!

p.s. apologies for writing mistakes if there are any, I don't write in English much these days so I've gone very far downhill haha!


  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I'm a little unclear about what your question is, but jumping jacks can be done in a small space. Half the world is in winter depression, so don't feel alone in that.
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    hey, thanks for your reply. Yeah, I am not used to winters this cold - Australian winters are just not harsh!!

    I guess I was asking in a round about way if anyone can read my basic lifestyle and pick something that I am doing wrong. I have hated this weight since forever and I'm really trying to get rid of it this time and want to do it correctly! I will definitely be trying to get 3 cardios in a week - jumping jacks sounds pretty good :) this place is too small for crunches (no exaggeration, elbow bash into things) so any suggestions are much appreciated.

    Thanks so much!
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    hey u r doing gr8 y dont u add 30 day shred that requires a small space, a mat & a pair of dumbbells :wink:
  • ZombieBubbles
    ZombieBubbles Posts: 110 Member
    You may not be eating enough calories. Your body could be going into starvation mode and will hold on to fat as if it were a matter of life or death. Try playing with the amount of calories your eating by adding a bit more. I'm 5'4 and weigh 145 and trying to get to 125lbs. Im currently doing Supreme 90 day system which is suppose to be like p90x. Keep in mind your body is also burning calories just to stay alive. I hope I've helped in some way. Keep up the fight.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    You're 5'7 and 140 pounds. That puts you in the healthy range. So your body doesn't understand why you want it to be smaller.

    If it's shape you're more concerned about rather than a number on a scale, then look into some weight or strength training. There's plenty that you can do in a small space at home.
  • leeanneo07
    leeanneo07 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in a very similar boat to you. I'm 5'8", 140 lbs and and looking to shed the last 10-15 lbs - mainly belly fat and become more toned all around. A lot of similarities to you: I am also on a 1200 calories a day, I walk to/from work, eat every healthy (cut out gluten), only drink almond milk, high seafood diet, with tons of veggies. I'm quite active and live in Canada so I hear you with the cold weathers.
    I really only noticed the pounds starting to come off once I increased my workouts and included weights. I need to work out 45 min - 1 hour, I've finally built up to run 5-7km but have started doing interval training to help with fat loss. I'd say you need to increase the intensity of your workouts, really get your heart rate up. Doing yoga in your room won't do that. I do yoga on off days or days when my body needs a rest. Perhaps join a class?

    Feel free to add me as a friend, we can encourage each other.
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    Hey guys, thank you so much for all your comments. Apologies for not responding sooner!!

    Yes I definitely need to up my weights, I had an issue with finding a gym here (Japanese are not known for going to the gym) HOWEVER my supporting bf has found a local place for me with long hours (generally shut at 5pm here), so after my travel etc over the next month or so, April will be my super gym month! and all the months following that of course.

    Again, thanks for everyone's suggestions. I will be aware of my intake and not go too low. I think we all can be guilty of going over our goal, so 1200 ends up being 1300 or 1400 with that extra coffee or banana!

    Thanks all again :)