Weight lifting recommendations for starting back to the gym

tennesseeleigh Posts: 169
edited January 10 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey guys,

I have joined a gym that will open here next Monday and I want to get back into a regular weight lifting routine. I used to lift years ago but have been working out at home doing mostly cardio since I became a mom. I have lost 33 lbs and have another 40 or so I would like to lose. I will be working out at lunch most days so I have about an hour 5 days a week for dedicated gym time. In the past I have had the best results doing a combo of cardio and weights. I'm looking for recommendations for a program, book, etc. that will help me tailor a plan incorporating both in the time I have available. While my overall goal is to lose the rest of my weight, I'm not necessarily looking for rapid weight loss if that makes sense. Slow but sustainable loss has worked better for me. When I lifted weights before I had access to a trainer that helped me structure my programs. This time I won't have access to a trainer for at least the first few months so I need something doable to get me started.


  • rdcory
    rdcory Posts: 7
    I joined a gym with "Group Power" Classes and absolutely love it!! You can do these classes 2 to 3 times per week and you will notice a huge difference in your strength and toning. It is an hour class done to music (works all your muscle groups in one day) and is really sooo much fun!! Beats those weight machines any day!!
  • Sadly the classes offered during my lunch hour won't fit my needs. I have a toddler at home and the only time I can really plan to be at the gym is during an extended lunch hour while I work. There is a body sculpt class on Saturdays that might be fun when my husband is available to keep the LO though. I might check that out.
  • Serendipityunt
    Serendipityunt Posts: 120 Member
    I use this book:

    It helps me find weight lifting options that fit the equipment I have in my gym.
  • Thanks for the rec. Does it have specific routines or do you make up your own? This gym has a good combo of free weights and machine weights so this might be what I need.
  • Thanks! Lots of info here!
  • I am a bit partial to crossfit workouts (Fran and Murph are good ones!), but if you are at a gym, it can be challenging to find the space to quickly hop from one workout to the next. You might like....

    -Turkish get-ups! All you need is one kettle bell, a mat and a little patience. It's a good one if you are limited on space to workout and want a full body workout. I'd definitely read up and practice the movements before using weights, so you can perfect your form first.

    -Burpees and double unders are another good quick all over workout. I recommend a wire jumprope over a plastic one...do not use a rope jumprope

    -Curtis P's- A Power clean, Lunge (Right leg) Lunge (left leg) Push Press.

    For a full workout after your warmup you might like........three sets of 12 Curtis P's with a set of 10 or 12 burpees or double unders as a full workout

    Checkout out the Crossfit website for WOD (workout of the day) It's free and a good workout.

    Form trumps weight anyday! :wink:

    Hope this helps!
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    I highly recommend Jamie Easons LiveFit Program. You can find it at BodyBuilding.com.
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