toning abs

hi what exercises would you recomend to get perfect abs and burning stomach fat? im only doing sit ups at the minute.. also for toning your bum that i could do at home :) thanks..


  • Gunsentry
    Gunsentry Posts: 121 Member
    Do the "Kitchen"

    Abs are made in the kitchen not the gym, you wont see your abs until your body fat is down near 10%.

    As for toning there is no such thing, you want to get lean and that is down to body fat %.

    Muscles do two things grow or shrink - You have to train them with repeated stress (move heavier weights regular) and feed the grown with calorie excess.

    You can do abs exercises all day every day and see nothing unless your body fat is low enough, and just to get really annoyed you can not spot reduce fat loss either it comes off where it wants.
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member

    I've also heard genetics play a role too.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Do the "Kitchen"

    Abs are made in the kitchen not the gym, you wont see your abs until your body fat is down near 10%.

    As for toning there is no such thing, you want to get lean and that is down to body fat %.

    Muscles do two things grow or shrink - You have to train them with repeated stress (move heavier weights regular) and feed the grown with calorie excess.

    You can do abs exercises all day every day and see nothing unless your body fat is low enough, and just to get really annoyed you can not spot reduce fat loss either it comes off where it wants.

    This. It starts in the kitchen and ends with squats and deadlifts.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    10% is the figure for men - thought it was a fair bit higher for women?

    There is no way you can 'burn stomach fat' - you can only 'burn fat' and your body will decide where it feels like burning it from.
    Unfortunately my stomach is the last place it decides too.

    I started doing the 'Weider 6' which is targetted at Abs, but since getting the capability, I've left that and am just doing the big 'compound' moves as per 'starting strength'.
    From a session of squats/bench press/deadlift I've had a few times that I've really felt it in my abs, so it's definitely have an affect there. There's plenty on here with enviable six packs built from that sort of thing, so I'm happy enough with that.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Planks are a good way to work abs, much different burn than situps too.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i'm certainly not saying i have wonderful abs but you can see SOMETHING and i'm lucky if i'm 15% bf. btw bf% measuring is pretty inaccurate even if done professionally so just throughing out some bf% number as a goal is pretty pointless.

    however, its obviously worth making the point that if you have too much body fat, you could have the most developed abs every and never see them.

    but to answer your question, the best ab exercises i know are hanging leg raises and hanging knee raises. they are done pretty much how you see people doing them in that 'seatless chair/ dip' apparatus you see at gyms lol. Only you have to hang from a pull up bar (or something) and you move slowly so you don't use momentum to lift your legs. you can get arm slings so that you don't have to worry about grip strength. you'll be surprised at how much more directly it focuses on the abs when done hanging from a bar vs. the seatless chair thing (i should really learn the offical name of that thing).

    There are plenty of other wonderful CORE exercises out there that will produce plenty of other pretty muscles in your middsection (and the exercises provide more functional, atheltically useful strenght), but as far as i can tell, these focus directly on the six pack the best. Google 'legendary abs II', there might be a pdf. i know the name sounds really cheesy but its a great program, has 9 progressive levels and is over in 5 min.

    that being said, if thats you in the picture then the sit ups are really working for ya
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Planks are a good way to work abs, much different burn than situps too.
    But they still won't "burn stomach fat". The thing that burns stomach fat is a calorie deficit - with or without exercise added in. No exercise will help somebody 'spot reduce' a certain area of their body.
  • sammyneb
    sammyneb Posts: 257
    but to answer your question, the best ab exercises i know are hanging leg raises and hanging knee raises. they are done pretty much how you see people doing them in that 'seatless chair/ dip' apparatus you see at gyms lol. Only you have to hang from a pull up bar (or something) and you move slowly so you don't use momentum to lift your legs. you can get arm slings so that you don't have to worry about grip strength. you'll be surprised at how much more directly it focuses on the abs when done hanging from a bar vs. the seatless chair thing (i should really learn the offical name of that thing).

    I have to agree with this..I can do planks, side planks, sit ups, crunches, scissor crunches...but just started doing this with my pull up bar, and man, after like 10 I'm DONE! But you still can't see my abs :) got more work to do in the kitchen :)
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    I'm at 12% BF and my abs didn't even start to show until I did deadlifts and need to lift heavy weights to make it happen happen doll.
  • TallishTom
    TallishTom Posts: 4 Member
    If you are in a gym and you don't like weights have a look for "Absolutely Abs", "CX Workout" or even pilates. If you want athletic abs rather than a "six pack" you don't really need weights.

    But you have to get the fat off to see them.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    but to answer your question, the best ab exercises i know are hanging leg raises and hanging knee raises. they are done pretty much how you see people doing them in that 'seatless chair/ dip' apparatus you see at gyms lol. Only you have to hang from a pull up bar (or something) and you move slowly so you don't use momentum to lift your legs. you can get arm slings so that you don't have to worry about grip strength. you'll be surprised at how much more directly it focuses on the abs when done hanging from a bar vs. the seatless chair thing (i should really learn the offical name of that thing).

    I have to agree with this..I can do planks, side planks, sit ups, crunches, scissor crunches...but just started doing this with my pull up bar, and man, after like 10 I'm DONE! But you still can't see my abs :) got more work to do in the kitchen :)

    do your hanging leg or knee ups, down to leg raises where you push your hells up to the ceiling at the top of the motion, then crunches. you'll be shocked at how much more the crunches seem to tare up your stomach AFTER you do the lower ab stuff.

    To tell you the truth, i've been doing the legendary abs on and off since highschool, and religiously for the past two years. I"m on like level 5 out of 9 and haven't even progressed to the hanging straight leg raises.

    ITS ALL ABOUT THE QUALITY OF THE CONTRACTION! and it was years before i had enough strength/control over my abs before i could really feel it and say 'this exercise is hitting my abs good' or 'this one isn't'
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I'm at 12% BF and my abs didn't even start to show until I did deadlifts and need to lift heavy weights to make it happen happen doll.

    i'm not knocking deadlifts or squats. but i don't do them because there is no squat rack and deadlifts are a no no at planet fitness lol.

    i'd say your abs are involved in any and every lift. don't think squats and deadlifts are essential, but they'll probably help with the abs and pretty much all other aspects of fitness except maybe flexibility
  • letjog
    letjog Posts: 260 Member
    Your abs look awesome already!