

  • Athena125
    Athena125 Posts: 102 Member
    I was in the same boat as you. I looked at your diary to see what's going on. Here's the issue:
    1. You are so not eating enough!!! You need more nutrition. Your body is starving for, not just calories, but nutrition. You can see my diary for ideas OR watch the documentary Hungry for Change. It will change how you think about food. Trust me.

    2. Make sure you are eating at least 1200 calories. I eat back most of the calories I burn from exercise most days.

    3. Once you are out of starvation mode, do strength training 3x a week. You can watch Youtube for ideas or get DVDs. My favorites are ballet bar method and also any type of exercise that uses your body weight (lunges, push ups, etc.). You can also get a weighted ball. There's lots you can do with that!

    4. If you do #3, you MAY gain a little weight at first. It is most likely water weight you are temporarily retaining while your body focuses on repair and building muscle. I am now finally seeing weight loss, as I started doing #3.

    5. Be sure to eat high quality protein: whey, eggs, fish, low-fat meats.

    6. Realize that at the weight you (and I - we are similar) are at is pretty close to where we need to be. So that means, some weeks we may only lose 1/2 a pound. I know it isn't what you want to hear, but trust me on this...

    7. I once lost weight quickly on Jenny Craig but I was starving all the time. As soon as I started to eat normally (like 1500 cals a day), I put ALL the weight back on and an extra 10 pounds. Don't lose weight quickly, or your body may freak out & start hording every little calorie.

    8. Don't assume you need to weight a certain amount either. If you are building muscle (and never have before), you may look good at a different weight. My friend weighs 125 pounds, is 5'2'' and fits in a size 0 because she is very sleek with muscle. Don't compare to the past. I am never going to be my high school weight again...and that's because I'm a grown woman now!

    9. Feel free to friend me and/or look at my diary for food ideas. I'm your weight and have been losing weight (slowly) - went from 152 on Dec. 31 to 148 as of today - only about 1 pound a week, but I feel good and am slowly looking better.
  • ekaterinip
    ekaterinip Posts: 17 Member
    I know that you need to eat a little bit more when you exercise. Cut back, just a bit, on your carbs, would be my best guess. Also, I never realized how important measuring was till MFP also mentioned it. You could be gaining just a bit in muscle weight, maybe that is why the scale won;t seem to budge. Keep at it, sure enough, it has to work for you, on your behalf. I tip my hat to you for exercising. My main problem is that, then the food. Have patience with your body! We need to love ourselves no matter what! Hang in there! Proud of you exercising so much, and right after the holidays! I for sure, need to start!
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Scary food diary!! How on earth can you be full of a calorie intake like that? I weigh the same as you and I eat 1744 ish a day. And I'm still hungry!!
  • I agree with the other posts!

    After seeing what you are taking in for calories, that is why you're not losing. Looks like a lot of sodium in your diet, less processed foods would help. You're also not taking in any substantial amount of protein, which will help you turn those workouts into muscle.

    But, your body cannot do that unless you stop starving yourself. Add enough lean healthy food to your diet to be at least 1200 cal level. You'll start losing again in no time.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    Have to agree with everyone else, please eat more, you are not helping yourself by starving... your brain, heart, lungs and every body organ and muscle needs fuel to keep working.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Go to your local bookstore. Find the book "New Rules of Lifting For Women" by Lou Schuler. Grab a seat or stand in the corner and read PART 2 (it's the nutrition section) and be enlightened. It won't take long and will be well worth your time.
  • i dont eat sh** all the time, ive just been having a few bad days but still thought to add it so im not cheating myself. I love veg and i constantly eat tomatoes, green beans, carrott etc. I have taken on all your advice though and i go massively appreiciate it. Ive just been to the shop and bought some more veg and some steak which im going to have with boiled potatoes! Im a single parent (not using this as an excuse and im in the forces) The weight watchers meals are purely convienience. I cook fresh food for my son he has spag bol, pork chop with masg, sausage casserole. The left overs i freeze for him for school. I dont eat these as i cant work out the calorie intake im quite thick and im sure its dead simple! x
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    Stop eating "like a rabbit" and eat back at least half your exercise calories. It could be water weight, which will soon come off.

    Rabbits eat carrots and celery, not chips and chocolate.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    i dont eat sh** all the time, ive just been having a few bad days but still thought to add it so im not cheating myself. I love veg and i constantly eat tomatoes, green beans, carrott etc. I have taken on all your advice though and i go massively appreiciate it. Ive just been to the shop and bought some more veg and some steak which im going to have with boiled potatoes! Im a single parent (not using this as an excuse and im in the forces) The weight watchers meals are purely convienience. I cook fresh food for my son he has spag bol, pork chop with masg, sausage casserole. The left overs i freeze for him for school. I dont eat these as i cant work out the calorie intake im quite thick and im sure its dead simple! x
    The quality of what you're eating is important, but this is something you can change over time. Right now, the most critical thing is to eat more. As you've been eating so little, it might be difficult at first, so go for calorie-dense foods like cheese, nuts, peanut butter, avocados etc. Drinks like protein shakes, smoothies and milk can help too. Definitely eat more veggies etc but make sure you don't stuff yourself so much that you're still struggling to get calories in.

    Such a drastic restriction suggests that you're trying to lose this weight as quickly as possible. This is not the healthiest way to approach weight loss. You only have about 35 lbs to lose, so it's not going to come off as quickly as people who are really obese. Look at this as a long-term project. Start by eating at least what MFP suggests. Then, if you are set to lose 2 lbs a week, I'd recommend changing that to 1 lb a week, which is a more realistic goal if you only have 35 lbs to lose. Having a massive cut in calories can mess up your metabolism, and it can mean losing more lean mass (eg muscle) than you should be doing.

    You're a single parent. Try and look at it as taking care of the most important person in your son's life. Do it the right way for him. :flowerforyou:
  • Like i said im just having a bad few days im not eating chips and chocolate everyday! In fact ive had chips once and that was yesterday.
  • Tanja_CHH
    Tanja_CHH Posts: 216 Member
    Stop taking easy ways out and just do it right. Always net your bmr or higher. For weight loss be under your tdee. Its not that hard
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Like i said im just having a bad few days im not eating chips and chocolate everyday! In fact ive had chips once and that was yesterday.
    imo people are overstating the issue with the content of your diet. Yes, nutrition is important (which you already know!), and yes, it becomes even more important when you severely restrict cals, but eating chips and chocolate are not the reason you're not losing weight. I eat chocolate nearly every day, and did so all last year, and had no problems losing weight. It's the overall quality of your diet that's important, not demonising individual items of food, or food groups.

    (And I know, you're not eating like that all the time, just wanted to make that point! :smile: )
  • c_mihelich
    c_mihelich Posts: 15 Member
  • WhyLime113
    WhyLime113 Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks for all the replies guys. I have opened it up for you to see, i have been under calories on most days, i am gettin concerned that im getting too obsessed. Sometimes i cant eat anymore and sometimes i could eat the entire house out but i dont! Its just soul destroying when you have been tryin so hard. Even though i know about the body going into starvation mode, i just think well its bound to loose weight soon enough which i know isnt healthy.
    I'm going to be honest, this sounds like disordered eating. You may have an eating disorder, or the early onset of one.
    I mean, I'm no psychologist, and a short while of obsessive behaviour may not inherently mean you have one, so I can't diagnose you. But just to be safe, you should go see someone, like a counsellor or psychologist. If you do have one, it's best for you to figure that out now, not later.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    The left overs i freeze for him for school. I dont eat these as i cant work out the calorie intake im quite thick and im sure its dead simple! x

    The easiest way to calculate for your home cooking is to use the recipe builder. Just put what your raw ingredients are, and then the number of servings it makes (should be really easy to do since you're probably freezing in single servings).

    I would ignore all of the complaints that you aren't eating "healthy" enough. You need to make your diet work. If you are eating veggies, you should be logging them (and a lot of people would stop harassing you as much). Your biggest concern right now should be getting your calorie count up. Something else you should read about eating low calories and exercising a lot: