To Spin or Not to Spin? That is the Question

Hello Everyone!

So, I plan on kicking my cardio routine up a notch and I am strongly considering taking Spin classes! I took my first and last Spin class almost 8 years ago, and I remember being sore as H-E.Double Hockey Sticks the next day. I've decided that I'm going to face my fears and try it again! I'm sure there are plenty of you out there who once "feared the bike", but found it in yourself to push through the pain and now love the class. So, for those AMAZING men and women, do you have any suggestions on how I should prepare for my first class? Also, I am OBSESSED with before/after pics, so if anyone can post pics showing your success with Spinning, that would be wonderful!!!



  • Sounds fun!!! I might Have to look into a class or two ... something to do after work great idea=)
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I am interested in seeing people's responses to this because I am considering going spinning but I am scared of it so I need someone to tell me how awesome it is to make me go.
  • I spin and although its not my fav class I do it as its an excellent cardio hit plus it works your butt and legs! I used to get a sore butt but now I guess it's used to it, just make sure you push your butt right back onto the padded part of the seat and kick down thro the heels. I don't have pics from spin as I do 3 classes a week plus I run and have been working on my abs so only have pics of abs. X
  • There's nothing to be afraid of! You can choose your own resistance so if you're concerned about being super sore the next day, don't add as much resistance and ease into it.
    I enjoy spinning and do it from time to time, when I can't get into a strength or yoga class.
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    Do it! I went for the first time in a long time earlier this month and took pics on my phone of my bike settings so I would know for the next time I went. I like it because it's dark in the room, the music motivates me, and it's something different when I can't do a zumba class.
  • I have been spinning 3-4 days a week since July. I think my butt hurt for 2 weeks! It is just a matter of getting used to. The thing is if you stop for a few weeks and go back it will start hurting all over again, just like if you were biking outside.
    I started as a way to push out of my comfort zone and really push my cardio. If you get into it I highly recommend cycling shoes it makes it much easier to work harder.
  • Go for it!! I was determined to spin - and like it - about 4 years ago. Now I take 3-4 classes/week and often go into the spin room alone to do my own workout. Like kerriotto said, you can choose your own resistance, so figure out what's best for you and ease on in. The best part about the past 4 years is seeing how much stronger I've gotten. I enjoy finding new music which motivates me and makes me push harder (when I spin alone). I love when new people come into the class. Even if they aren't spinning super fast when everyone else is, or sitting when everyone is standing - it doesn't matter. Just keep moving and you'll adjust. A good instructor can also make all the difference in the world! Explore different ones to see who is a good fit for you. Enjoy!
  • Fish_decor
    Fish_decor Posts: 2 Member
    spinning is my absolute favorite class ever. not boring, go at your own resistance level, easy to get into a "zone" and great music. lots of sweat is a good thing! don't push too hard though because it is hard to make it through the whole class if you overdo it early on. just take it easy. strap your feet in tight, it helps to push and pull as you circle around.
  • NavyMommy
    NavyMommy Posts: 102 Member
    I enjoy spinning. I've only taken a couple of classes but it's a lot of fun. Especially since my gym only has 3 step classes a week and I don't really care for Zumba it's a nice addition to cardio. Make sure you bring a towel though! I always have sweat flying. I do like that it's more at your own pace. When the instructor says to start adding resistance they can't see if you're adding a quarter turn or a full one so I feel I can go at my own pace. I wear my HRM and as long as I'm in a good zone I try to enjoy it.
  • To Spin of course! I tried spinning in Miami for the first time and I loved it. The teacher was great and I loved the music she picked. I was so scared of it for years. I live in St. Thomas VI now and I don't think they offer it here.
    2 minutes ago
  • I did a spin time for the first time EVER last week and I was super sore afterwards. I went back this week though and I really wasn't sore at all! My advice. Even though you're sore after the first class, you have to go back again. It gets better I promise! A lot has to do with your trainer as well. My first week the guy wasn't the greatest, but my week 2 trainer was an awesome instructor! Good luck :)
  • Elainejk21
    Elainejk21 Posts: 121 Member
    I HIGHLY recommend buying either a padded seat cover or padded bike shorts/liners. I could do spinning 3x/week and I would still be insanely sore without the padding. Makes a huge difference!