Traumatic events/eating habits? I need help!

Okay. Short and sweet, I am really shaken up by recent occurrences, and am finding it hard to eat, or I overeat, then feel sick and throw up (not on purpose...just the things bothering me are gruesome, so even a light meal makes me nauseous) I am also staying very busy/active to keep myself distracted and get my anger out. So basically, I am running on empty. Any advice on how to stay healthy through this situation? Anyone else ever had this happen/been in a similar situation? Stories/suggestions welcome! Please.


  • mikmurphy
    mikmurphy Posts: 57 Member
    Is there any way you can minimize your stressors? I'm sure you might've tried that, sometimes you have to get really really creative to deal with or get rid of certain things.
    I wouldn't set yourself on a deficit right now if you're that upset. I set mine to maintenance or just log only. If I'm emotionally upset and eat I can get to the puking point. I eat light then usually. Maybe when you can't eat much eat some calorie rich stuff, nuts and such. I recently ate pizza to keep me up in my calories heehee. I swing wildly to overeating too. Annoying! ! I just try not to keep junk in the house so at least I don't eat that stuff. To me it almost seems like overeating triggers something and then it continues.
    Hope you feel better soon. Add me if you want :-)
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    Usually when something bad happens I eat for comfort. So basically I do the opposite of what you're doing.

    That said, I do have experience with what you're talking about - seeing very traumatic things. It was many years ago but I was pretty messed up over it - nightmares, depression, etc.

    It helps to talk to people about it - especially if there's someone who is dealing with it also (friend, family member, someone else who also saw it, etc). Seeking professional help isn't out of the question either. It sounds like you're dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which is a very real thing. I recognized after the fact that I had it. I didn't seek counseling but I had some good friends who helped me talk it out. I was lucky to come out of it as well as I did.

    My attitude that got shaped from my experiences is... the world is a tough place... you need to be tougher. You have to take care of yourself so you can be a positive force to counter the negative stuff that's around you. The alternative is to be a victim, or be part of the negativity - and you definitely don't want that!

    Focus on what you can control - you can't control all the bad stuff that happened (or will happen) but you can control how you respond to it.

    Get help if you need it, and continue to try to be healthy.

    Hope that helps a little...
  • PrettyLydie
    PrettyLydie Posts: 54 Member
    Thank you guys, I appreciate the feedback :)
  • terijoestoes
    terijoestoes Posts: 205 Member
    Try things like prayer, meditation. Exercise to relieve stress. Or how about soft music and laying quietly thinking about your happy place. I hope you are safe and will continue upward day by day