Discouraging friend - help?

I downloaded this app a few years ago, but just put it into use this week, so I'm pretty new here. I am a freshman in college, and since entering college in August I've gained about 10 pounds. I know what you're thinking - the typical freshman fifteen. While it is true that I drink sometimes (which leads to overeating clearly), I mainly attribute my weight gain to the return of my compulsive eating problem. I was bulimic for quite a while, and I finally beat it about a year ago. But it returned. I was able to get myself to not purge very often, but I still binged. Over the holidays I was eating A LOT - all day every day, literally.

But three days ago I decided to start using this app, and I have been doing really well. I've been exercising and trying to eat about 1500 calories a day, and I have been successful. But I have one problem. My closest friend at school and I are both bigger-boned, neither is fat but neither is stick-thin. When she sees me eating super healthily, she always offers me some of her cookie, pancake, cheesy pasta, etc, as if to make sure I'm being unhealthy with her. I know I probably sound crazy, but I swear it's actually happening. So should I talk to her about it, or should I just continue to try and tune her out and deny her offerings?



  • katrinajMiles
    katrinajMiles Posts: 71 Member
    Firstly good on you for giving it a try and eating super healthy.

    Not really sure about your friend maybe they are just scared that it may affect your past issues. I'd differently just discuss it with her if that's the way you're feeling. Tell her why you are doing it and how maybe she might want to join in?
    I would talk to her about it and ask her to help you keep on track without over obsessing. Also, I recommend joining a Christian yoga class. Meditate on scripture and prayer along with exercise. Totally changed my outlook on getting fit. Support from good Christian friends who want you to get fit and get closer to God. Remember, He loves us unconditionally and is always waiting for us.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    This probaby isn't going to help, but I had a best friend like that, we grew up together. I was always thin and she was always "big boned." She and her entire family would try to force feed me. Dial forward 30+ years and my friend visited me last summer. She was fit and I was fat.
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    Ahhhh yesss the discouraging friend. We all have one. Sometimes I think they are just so used to you eating poorly that it is not out of the ordinary to offer you fattening foods. Also sometimes wheather it seems to be on purpose or not we do have to set them in their place by letting them know that we are striving for a better us and if they do not want to join or support the journey then it is fine. I do hope you talk to her about it, because along with weight loss comes emotions and it sucks to have to become defensive when it comes time to stop the negative comments. Then things are blown out of proportion.
  • moonsforeyes
    Definitely talk to her about your decision to eat healthy! Tell her that although you appreciate her being concerned that you aren't eating enough (maybe why she offers you unhealthy thins,) she'll know why you are eating the healthier food. Maybe she just doesn't know. I think that if she really is your closest friend, she'll support you and not offer you crap. Maybe you can even motivate her to follow in your footsteps to living a healthier lifestyle! Having someone do this with you sure makes it a lot easier.