A question on daily calories

If I go over my daily allowance of calories, should I stick to my recommended calories for the next day or try to stay under them in an effort to make up for the previous day?


  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    Take your pick.




    both are right depending who you ask.
  • Markguns
    Markguns Posts: 554 Member
    I'd just try to stay on track and be consistent. If you miss a day oh well, not the end! Get the next day right and move one. You're entitled to splurge once in awhile, it helps you stay with it. :bigsmile:
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    Say your daily calorie limit is 2000.

    M 2000
    T 1800
    W 1900
    T 2300
    F 1900
    S 2000
    S 2100


    M 2000
    T 2000
    W 2000
    T 2000
    F 2000
    S 2500
    S 2000

    Either way is fine. It's not like your body resets after each day - doing week to week or day to day is an easier way to track.
    I prefer spiking or changing the calorie intake around so the body stays in the highest fat burning mode as possible.
    If you notice, the second one is set to 500 calories more than you "should" take. No big problem at all. You were still hundreds or thousands below for the week anyway - one day won't hurt... Just don't let that one day become a daily habit.
  • MrsPixelbark
    MrsPixelbark Posts: 175 Member
    Depends on how you feel really. Personally I take my calorie count as an overall for a week: so a couple of days ago I had a night where I'd not even eaten half of my exercise calories back (so my net was around 800ish- far too low) as to be honest I just wasn't hungry. So I made up for it by eating over yesterday.

    How much were you over by? If your anything like me, when I go over massively I'm too stuffed the following day to NOT go under! One take out the night before and I'm usually not hungry at all until well into the following day. If you are feeling stuffed, don't force yourself to eat, just make it up either later on in the day/week. :) As long as it evens out on a weekly basis, I'm generally not too worried.
  • Scallyboo
    Scallyboo Posts: 126 Member
    Thanks everyone, looking at the weekly intake definitely makes sense.

    I had two glasses of wine last night that made me go over on calories, but I am religioulsy very good in sticking with it so I'm not too worried overall.

    I'll see what today brings!
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    The best diet is one that you can stick to! So if you will stick to it with just a few glasses of wine being your vice, then all the power to you! Be happy it wasn't a few cheeseburgers ;)
  • srbridge
    srbridge Posts: 2 Member
    I just start the day as usual and sometimes just try to fit an extra bit of exercise in.It takes a lot of extra days and eating to gain weight and keep it on.Just remember to record everything you eat wether you are over or not.
  • terriblyn
    terriblyn Posts: 107 Member
    This happens to me all the time (or I allow this to happen all the time)....
    I think that being conscious of your choices the next couple of days is the way to go.
    If you start restricting yourself for a little indiscretion, it can breed a whole reward/punishment thing that ultimately isn't healthy.
    Learn from your splurge, and maybe up your exercise. Take an extra walk. And try to plan it better next time so you won't beat yourself up over having a glass of wine or two (or four if you were me)!
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    What I do is look back and see where I ate "empty" calories. One day it was an Apple Danish which had 410 calories! Remove the empty calories and add other things that are more nutrient dense. Your calories should be considered as "fuel" for your body, but that doesn't mean they have to taste like crap
  • Markguns
    Markguns Posts: 554 Member
    Ok looked around I don't see where you can view total calories for a week. Where is it? The reports only show a graph of each day not a total for a given period?