Deflated today :-(

Well, today I feel deflated !! My weight is STILL 236lbs !!!

Since being on this diet, I have been quite good. Watching what I eat etc...... I now have breakfast (which I never used to have) and my main meal and tea. The main snacks I will have and that will be fruit or Special K Cereal bars (to help top up calories). I drink more water than what I did do and I will mainly have peppermint tea for a hot drink.

My calorie intake has been set at 1450 daily and most of the time I am just under that goal. I do alot more moving around than what I did do. I even got myself a exercise bike and I go on that a few times a week for about 30 mins (I am taking it slow so I don't get bored !) and I even do some bed sit-ups (can't do them on the floor as I get a painful back and then I wouldn't be able to move at all). I also do some quats (not many but some is better than none !).

All these things I do now of which I didn't do so yes my movement has improved and thats on top of housework, shopping etc.......

I drink more water now than what I did do and if I have a hot drink it's mainly peppermint tea !!

I lost 1lb in my first week and 1lb in second week and NOTHING this week !!!

I read others progress on here and they hardley do any exercise and they are losing at a good pace.

Where am I going wrong, because right now I want to say sod it and go and get a bar of chocolate to cheer my self up of which it won't do as I will feel totally guilty :blushing:

Annie xxxx


  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    are you weighing your food with a food scale?
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Read forks over knives or watch the movie.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    stay off the scale as much as you can. it will drive you mad.

    body weight changes from hour to hour and day to day. seeing a 1lb loss or a 1lb gain or no movement on the scale means nothing, considering that your body can be maintaining or shedding water at any given time. 1 gallon of water weighs a little more than 8 lbs. that movement on your scale may have nothing to do with actual weight loss, or water weight may be masking your actual weight loss. there's little way to know.

    the number on your scale means far less than a lot of people think it does. it's an imperfect measuring device that you can really only use as a long-term trend tool.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Hi Annie,
    don't GIVE UP!! Have you only been 'dieting' for 3 weeks? lots of people don't like when we refer to being on a diet, and it does make sense, diet is a negative word and something we think we should only be on for a while when we should be making life changes about how we eat and exercise.

    First of all you've lost 2lbs, its a start, for some reasons there are weeks go by and we don't lose yet we are being consistant and eating under cals.

    Are you measuring your food so you know you aren't eating more than you think?
    Are you eating back your exercise calories? if not you should, your net calories at the end of the day shouldn't be any lower than 1200

    I could say loads more, haven't the time just now but I hope you'll stick with this journey, its about making new habits and you will start feeling better about yourself as you keep seeing the pounds come off.

    I hope you get some great feedback on here.

    Chin up ok, YOU CAN DO THIS :)

    Ruth x
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    Harsh reality is you may not lose every week and depending on your starting weight it will be harder. Honestly I lose prob every 3wks and maybe only 1.5lbs. The heavier you are you have more fat to lose so it drops a little easier.

    Dont get yourself down. Keep doing what you're doing...maybe cut cals but like 50-150 and may help a bit. But give yourself and body time, take measurements. Step on scale once a week and then hide it.

    Im a scale junky so I totally understand. I sometimes get on like 5times a day but have def cut that back

  • unifil
    unifil Posts: 39 Member
    I feel your pain. I started MFP again after six month .... I even lost only 0.6 pounds last week :-) Don't give up, it will get better! How tall are you? And what are you eating? Your diary is not open, so I can't tell ...
    Feel free to add me. :-)
  • fluffypetal
    are you weighing your food with a food scale?

    Yes, if I need to weigh I do use a scale. I have mainly weightwatchers as a main meal and if I don't then the scales come out. My favourite breakfast at the moment is Oats so Simple and that is already weighed out in little bags.

    Annie xxx
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    Hi. Can't see your diary, so it's hard to offer help. :flowerforyou:
  • lillenisse
    lillenisse Posts: 22 Member
    DON'T GIVE UP - YOU CAN DO THIS! We all have days like this, when we feel that it’s not moving the way we want to, or it’s not moving fast enough, or we’re not feeling better enough - but in the words of Pete Hein...TTT...Things Take Time.

    Maybe you could try to stop comparing your weight loss to others. This is your journey and yours alone. Giving up now will only make you feel terrible later, whereas sticking with this, through the good days and the hard days, will make you feel amazing. Not only because you persevered, but because if you’re doing it right, this WILL work and you WILL see and feel the benefits.

    We can’t see your food diary so, I won’t comment on how your reaching your calorie goal but you will know if you’re giving your body the right things and if you are then you have no reason to give up. Keep on pushing through this crappy day and believe that tomorrow will be better.
  • kirstyfairhead
    kirstyfairhead Posts: 220 Member
    The only thing I can say is be religious about your food entries and make sure every calorie is accounted for and then give it time. If you continue to only consume that calorie count and move around a bit you WILL lose weight.

    Can't see your diary and don't know your stats but the main thing to be wary of is dropping below the 1200 calorie mark, it really does stop things moving if you do that.

    I know it seems to make no sense when you are doing it all right and nothing happens but believe me we have all been there and perserverance really does pay off.

    You will be flying high when you come back on in 3 weeks and say Woo Hoo!! the scale started moving and I've dropped 6lbs.

    Also don't target too high, slow and steady is the way to go!

    Good Luck.... You CAN do it!!
  • mrflash222
    mrflash222 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey, Annie!!!

    What ever you do, follow this advice that so many before me have given - Don't give up!!!! This is a journey that is difficult, at best. You and your body will get things into gear and before you know it you'll be cruising. The scale will toment you so don't get on it too often and certainly don't live by it. The end goal is a healthier you (which will ultimately end with the pounds dropping off). You have a terrific support network here on MFP so use them like you are today. You can find no better support then here. Some will sork to cheer you on while others will give you the hard facts and a kick in the butt.

    You've got this!!!!

    Dig deeply, work hard, and smile often,
  • fluffypetal
    My food diary is open peeps xx

    be nice now :laugh:

    Annie xxx
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    are you weighing your food with a food scale?

    Yes, if I need to weigh I do use a scale. I have mainly weightwatchers as a main meal and if I don't then the scales come out. My favourite breakfast at the moment is Oats so Simple and that is already weighed out in little bags.

    Annie xxx

    weight watchers foods are overly processed and full of sodium... you might be sodium sensitive, and thus could be retaining water. MFP's sodium guideline is really quite high. I limit myself to no more than 1800mg of sodium per day.

    i weigh everything, even stuff that is packaged. if something says a serving is 60g and that serving of 60g should equal 150 calories i weigh it to make sure it's really 60g and if it's higher than that i adjust the calories to reflect the true amount.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Well, today I feel deflated !! My weight is STILL 236lbs !!!

    Since being on this diet, I have been quite good. Watching what I eat etc...... I now have breakfast (which I never used to have) and my main meal and tea. The main snacks I will have and that will be fruit or Special K Cereal bars (to help top up calories). I drink more water than what I did do and I will mainly have peppermint tea for a hot drink.

    My calorie intake has been set at 1450 daily and most of the time I am just under that goal. I do alot more moving around than what I did do. I even got myself a exercise bike and I go on that a few times a week for about 30 mins (I am taking it slow so I don't get bored !) and I even do some bed sit-ups (can't do them on the floor as I get a painful back and then I wouldn't be able to move at all). I also do some quats (not many but some is better than none !).

    All these things I do now of which I didn't do so yes my movement has improved and thats on top of housework, shopping etc.......

    I drink more water now than what I did do and if I have a hot drink it's mainly peppermint tea !!

    I lost 1lb in my first week and 1lb in second week and NOTHING this week !!!

    I read others progress on here and they hardley do any exercise and they are losing at a good pace.

    Where am I going wrong, because right now I want to say sod it and go and get a bar of chocolate to cheer my self up of which it won't do as I will feel totally guilty :blushing:

    Annie xxxx

    don't give up! The scale is a lying witch, and will get in your head and whisper evil things to you.

    My profile picture is me 3 years apart. I am wearing the same shirt...and I weigh almost the same--in the one on the left I am in the range of 188-199lbs. In the one on the right I am 196lbs. In one I am wearing a 42DD bra and 16/18 the other I am wearing a 38C bra and 12/14 shorts. I gained 30 pounds after the pic on the left was taken, and as I was losing weight, I was doing strength training. My body has changed, but the scale sometimes doesn't move for a MONTH!
  • fluffypetal
    Thank you to all of you. Your words have been very kind and your support is lovely.

    Have a great day all of you.

    Annie xxx :flowerforyou:
  • kirstyfairhead
    kirstyfairhead Posts: 220 Member
    Looked at your Diary and you aren't doing too bad. A bit low sometimes, keep it over that 1200, and you aren't eating all of your exercise cals back.

    I'll be the first person to admit that I don't either and my diary looks fairly similar to yours. (not perfect but not the worst ever) I am losing every week without fail but sometimes it's only 1/2lb and sometimes its more. I'm looking at 5lbs in 4 weeks and am very happy with that, slow but steady is my motto.

    You need 3500 calories in deficit to lose 1lb so don't beat yourself up about slow progress, it's still progress and you are gonna get weeks where the scale doesn't budge, water retention......gremlins.....just cos it doesn't want to!!!!

    The one thing you shouldn't do is try to create more deficit by eating less, I did that and at 1000 cals a day stopped losing altogether!!
  • jacquiesthinner09
    stay off the scale as much as you can. it will drive you mad.

    body weight changes from hour to hour and day to day. seeing a 1lb loss or a 1lb gain or no movement on the scale means nothing, considering that your body can be maintaining or shedding water at any given time. 1 gallon of water weighs a little more than 8 lbs. that movement on your scale may have nothing to do with actual weight loss, or water weight may be masking your actual weight loss. there's little way to know.

    the number on your scale means far less than a lot of people think it does. it's an imperfect measuring device that you can really only use as a long-term trend tool.
  • jacquiesthinner09
    Such brilliant advice about the water! this is so true,just dont give up,you will look back at this soon and be glad you kept going,stay strong!x:flowerforyou:
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    My profile picture is me 3 years apart. I am wearing the same shirt...and I weigh almost the same--in the one on the left I am in the range of 188-199lbs. In the one on the right I am 196lbs. In one I am wearing a 42DD bra and 16/18 the other I am wearing a 38C bra and 12/14 shorts. I gained 30 pounds after the pic on the left was taken, and as I was losing weight, I was doing strength training. My body has changed, but the scale sometimes doesn't move for a MONTH!

    Wow. Your picture is a great one to show anyone who is disheartened that their scale number isn't moving. A lesson in tracking your measurements and NSV!
  • RadioactivePirate
    The only thing you are doing wrong is not being patient enough.

    The scale won't move every week. Sometimes it goes up. But if you are diligent and eat well and measure correctly, you will lose weight over the long term. Your weight can fluctuate by several pounds for various reasons, so you HAVE TO look at it long term.

    I recommend focusing on staying under your calorie goals and logging your food accurately, and making THAT your short term goal. I used to buy myself rewards of some kind when I hit milestones like 10 days, 30 days, 60 days etc. Once you have a few months of data to look at you can see a nice chart that shows your weight trending down, and every time you feel frustrated you have to go back and see how even though the chart might have a few little bumps up overall the line is going down.