Looking for new supportive friends. =]

Hi everyone! I'm a Stay at home Mama of 3 girls ages 4,6, and almost 10. I have a few great friends on here, but I am looking for some more. I'm from Seattle, but I am living in Ohio now. Please let me know if you'd like for me to add you! :) Thanks!! :)


  • Hi! I'm also a stay at home mom, I've got 4 kids. They are 8, 5, 2, and 10 weeks. 3 boys and a girl. Feel free to add me. Good luck on your fitness goals. =)
  • Lennonluv2
    Lennonluv2 Posts: 956 Member
    Hi, I'm a SAHM also. I have a son who is seven. Feel free to add me!
  • Hi I'm a stay at home mom, andlooking for some supporters also... will add you ! =) so we can help each other through this journey!
  • Hi. I'm a mom of a 7 month old little girl trying to lose the baby weight and the pre baby weight. I live in VA and would like to add you to my network!
  • tamievice155
    tamievice155 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi im a sahm with 2 boys ages 5, 10months
  • Hi I'm Deni. 60 years old and English but retired to Portugal. I find this a really good site. It's taught me that it's all about portion control. I love creating my own recipes (please feel free to add me and look at them). I'm loosing the weight slowly but am still enjoying the foods I love (just smaller portions!!). I also love the way I'm able to have extra calories when I do an hours gardening or walk the dogs etc.
  • army1993
    army1993 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Mamafuller. I was born in Ohio. Sandusky. Are you anywhere near that. I am a married mother currently living in Georgia. My kids are almost grown and I needed to loose weight so a neighbor told me about this site. I love it. It is just like weight watchers but doesn't cost anything. Yippee.
  • mhk0719
    mhk0719 Posts: 255
    Morning! I loved being a SAHM :) I am now working full time at a local Allstate office. I have 2 sons (14 & 10) and live in Indiana. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • beachbums6
    beachbums6 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi. I'm a stay at home mom of a 3 year daughter. I also have to grown children. I enjoy staying home with her. I can always use extra support and I'll be glad to give support too. Please feel free to add me.